
How do we stop the vandals from defacing railroad property with their unsightly graffiti?

The same way you stop gun violence.

You can’t. You can’t be everywhere all the time.

Where else can you have a fresh “canvas” delivered every few days?

Providing the security that would be necessary to fully protect the cars from determined taggers would probably cost more than repainting the cars from time to time.

And the taggers would relish the challenge! In the ‘less than adult’ mind there is nothing quite like doing something that the ‘old fogies’ are trying to prevent you from doing.

You might reduce the vandalism if you increase the gun violence… not that advocate shooting holes in the sides of tank cars.[:o)]

You mean “street art” or whatever else it’s being called besides what it really is. Schools even have classes on it. (Down in Des Moines a student project was removed when someone saw it and thought it was just graffiti. )

The more it becomes accepted, the harder it will be to stop it.


Principle: “The power to tax is the power to destroy.” Daniel Webster in McCullough v. Maryland

Proposed solution: Excise tax on bullets @ $1,500 each. Excise tax on spray paint @ $1,500 per can.

Then there’s this guy, who come seem to consider a regular Rembrandt…

I’d love to figure out who he was and go around covering his work up as soon as he left…

The below Colton, CA photos were recently posted in the “Sunset Route Two-Tracking Updates” thread. It was pointed out there-in that it must have taken some doing to leave that kind of bridge graffiti. What did they do? Hang off the bridge with ropes?

In that thread a number of graffiti photos have been posted over the years. I’ve noticed that a favorite graffiti target has been CP boxes for signals and switches. I personally have never seen such ‘art’ being painted in person. To be honest, though, I really don’t know what I would do if I saw such being done. UP has so turned off railfans I might just do nothing. Hey, they don’t pay me to stick my neck out, as the saying goes … As it is now I seldom call UP’s grade crossing hotline except for immediate life and death matters.

Thank You.

Bounties…If they think it’s a sport, up the ante.

Graffiti of all sorts have been around since ancient times. There are documented examples of graffiti on the statuary at Abu Simbel that were placed there by Roman soldiers. I don’t think that lynching the graffiti artists is a real answer.

but it would be “sporting”[:-,]

Paintballing them would be sporting!

“+1” - "What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander . . . "

If we are going to be using Paintballs can we use frozen ones instead of regular ones. Better yet use Ghost pepper spiked paint in the paint balls. I know that sounds extreme it is called we just had a brand new tractor in transit get tagged. It was damaged to the point of the Insurance company of the manufactor is totalling it out. A 170 thousand bucks down the drain. It was a special ordered truck for our #1 driver in the company. He now has to wait for the replacement to be built and shipped to us. We wanted it here to celebrate his 40th year driving for the carrier now we are going to miss it.

How about the “Singapore Solution?” Remember that young American dummy who was caught vandalizing cars there back in the 90’s?

I’ll bet he hasn’t done any tagging since getting his backside caned, there or here.

It sounds good–but you have to catch them and they be convicted first–unless the railroad police carry bamboo sticks with them.