Veterans Day Special: CP 6644

CP and NCT thank and honor all of our Veterans, as well as those in Canada.

CP held a Remembrance Day ceremony at the Ogden shop headquarters in Calgary yesterday, at which they unveiled a 12-pounder naval gun display, one of many that Ogden produced during the Second World War.

CP 7022, the SD70ACu painted in Royal Canadian Navy colours was present for the ceremony, at the head of some of their executive passenger cars.

6644 passed through Calgary the night before, on a train heading for Edmonton.,year%20and%20then%20sent%20to%20dockyards%20in%20Halifax.

Lawrence, KS had their annual Veterans Day Parade. I drove another veteran who, like myself, could not walk unassisted.

I don’t know how anyone else feels but I think that paint scheme looks awful. I am all for heritage locomotives and still holding my breath on CP’s Milwaukee Road Heritage Locos. But if this is really a tribute to anything, why not hire a bunch of high school kids to throw mud balls at the Locomotive, at least that would have some artisitic or design value behind it.

Amtrak’s Veterans Unit I thought was tasteful in Red, White and Blue.

I think CP 6644 looks just fine. It’s a bit of a conglomeration of WWII (D-Day stripes) and modern camoflage.

CP6644 reminded me of a Spitfire on its way to Juno Beach on D-Day.

In my opinion it is one of the best commemorative units out there.