Via rail on new Canadian $10 bank note.

And just like most of our models, the bank note is plastic.

Via (and the rest of the bills at) Maclean’s

Rumour is the 5 dollar bill will be replaced by a coin, hopefully made out of BRASS !

For now this is the new $5 currency:

Yet another great reason to visit - and railfan - Canada!


I like it but I’ve read that some people don’t like them because trains are too “quaint.” I wouldn’t complain if I have them in my pocket.

John A. and a shot of a train. What could be more perfect. I know! If it was a Selkirk coursing its way through the Rockies. Or maybe even the first 4-4-0 and a couple of coaches making the first trip through to the coast.

I sure this guy feels he has been snubbed. [:(]

Funny how the Maclean’s article lists all the negative things said about the new bills. Can’t they find anything good to say at all?

I love the new ten! That looks like The Canadian on that bill, which (correct me if I’m wrong) is both the last transcontinental train in Canada and the last streamliner in North America. That means nearly as much to me as CPR’s role in building this country in it’s early years. Kudos to the BoC for getting something right!


Looks amazing, I love it, thanks for showing us!