Video: Basic steam locomotive weathering

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Video: Basic steam locomotive weathering

Thanks for that,Cody. I’m going to try your weathering tips on my Bachmann 060 Saddle Tank switching loco.
Hope it will look as good as you loco!

you should make a video about how to weather a diesel loco
with an airbrush.

Nice I would like to see the colors and amounts used for shading Thanks P.S. I cant find the book he talked about

Well done Cody. Along with the techniques you demonstrate I especially appreciate the down-home professionalism you’ve acquired over the years I’ve been following you. Bravo!

Great job Cody! Really like your presentation. Am going to try some weathering on my Mikado.

Thank you :slight_smile:

I Found this info very helpful. I have a light Mikado and a Pacific that I am going to try this on. Ive been looking for some info for sometime now, thank you.

Thank you Cody. I have the John Pryke article on file. I plan to try the weathering techniques on my fleet of 4-4-0’s and 2-6-0’s from Bachmann and MDC.

I have had good luck removing most paints with brake fluid. On Athearn’s last run of kits, brake fluid and denatured alcohol don’t work at all; 91% removes paint and lettering after scrubbing but leaves the paint under the lettering. When trying to remove lettering only, PollyS Easy Lift Off works but the outline of the lettering remains and you have to take off enough paint to require repainting. Haven’t tried Pine-Sol. Any ideas would be appreciated –

Thought it was a good and informative article. Was wondering if you could achieve the same effects using weathering powders. Would have liked to see how you built the layers of weathering

I liked the methods described in the video but that tender top and bunker load looked too neat ,it should have loose spilled coal scattered on the tender deck to look more realistic.

Very helpful video, thanks a lot. Along with all the information in your printed issue every month I should be able to build my own version of the Virginian project.

P.S. Watch the white balance on your video cam.

Very useful informative article. Well done!

Great info. Looks like I’m going to have to break out my air brush. Thanks Cody.

Really liked your video, and am ready to try out some weathering on my steam locomotives. By the way, do you know of a source for Southern Rwy. decals? Champion Decal is no longer in business.

Not so much to show in action!Polly scale colour is excellent to weathered models.Has some tried to put on it at era 1 models like german steamlocomotiv?

Very informative with outstanding results. I like the tip on weathering the locmotive wheels evenly, I will go back and use this on my Katy 0-8-0, must have that grey faded look on my sanding domes. Thanks for the help!

Thancks for the great tips .I am now ready to weather my first steam loco .

Great tips. Anxious to create the 080 for my Virginian layout.