Video: Broadway Limited Imports HO scale Pennsylvania RR I1sa 2-10-0

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Video: Broadway Limited Imports HO scale Pennsylvania RR I1sa 2-10-0

For a straight out of the box, I didn’t care for the sound at all. It basicly was just continuos white noise. I could barely hear the chuffs. The bell and whistle sounded ok. For the size of the tender, a large as possible speaker might help. The sound may also sound better after some tweaking of the CV’s. I’ve heard better after market sound in HO locomotives than this one.

The video report should be a little longer, with some more info on the loco. Such as slow speed running, how many cars it can pull, or did pull up your layout grade. I enjoy the video reports.

Ernest Derby

We tried one of these out on our modular club layout, short tender version. It ran well with a good turn of speed and put out a lot of sound. It also pulled a really heavy train of forty-five cars, mostly flats loaded with military equipment. However it hadn’t run too long before it burned off an electrical wire in the tender, sooooo back to BLI it had to go. Apparently, as with all first runs. bugs and quality control issues creep in. It’s really a neat engine though and whoever thought there’d be a mass production Decapod available for Pennsy freaks?

Very Good sound…realistic…

Beautiful model. I could use one.

Like the engine,really like the whistle!!!

I do have a couple of BL engines, and I really like them. My only thought is the sound. Although I am not big on the sound on loco’s, I still prefer the silent DC running trains, the sound could be improved by taking what I would call the constant hiss out of it. It sounds like it just echo’s in the tender, and is a little annoying. Some may not find it objectionalble, but to me it sounds a little hollow. Other than that, I love the engine.

Great prototype Pennsy “Banshee” whistle! B.L.I. is definitely doing a great job for the hobby!
(By the way…its pronounced “Penn-sea” Not “Penn-zee.”)

absolutely remarkable,what next,the fireman waves to you?

Sounded tinny

I have had one of these in N Scale on order for about three years. Think I will ever see it?

Terrific PRR engine … that whistle is great !!

In the first video shot of the locomotive it sounds like a diesel locomotive.

I’ve had mine a few weeks now and I’m very disapointed.It’s slow speed lurching makes it virtually unusable.It will smooth out a little once it reaches a good clip but it doesent seem to be getting better with use.Wont be buying any more B.L.I / paragon till they explain a fix or otherwise.

Enjoyed the video. The sound was lifelike. Thanks for the opportunity to view these small clips.

BLI always makes great quality locos and this one looks as if it promises as such. The “banshee” whistle is wicked!

The sound needs some work. other than that it looks great.

Great locomotive. I might buy one. Nice reveiw Dana.

Seemed to be working too hard going down the hill. Finish on rods needs toning down.
Like Roger Huber from Texas I prefer Tsunami sound.