Video: Building Bay Junction 4

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Video: Building Bay Junction 4

As usual, a great and informative video, keep 'em coming !!!

This is a frustrating stage of construction: You can see that things are happening, and you know what’s being done is important, but it still doesn’t look much like a railroad yet! I’m glad you got that “white stuff” to encourage you to keep plugging along.

David, while showing all that snow on the ground you said “that’s February” ? I guess that means these updates are backdated.

Very helpful. Realy enjoy these sessions.

good day to play with trains we did alot of that last week in oregon freezing rain snow cold wet &windy now we sure would like to be there but you would not get much done except answer questions ours have fun guys we are crt/friends

Entertaining, worthless.

Where do find the music soundtrack to all your video segments, such as the Bay Junction and the Naugatuck Valley series? DW, Colorado Springs, CO

i could see that Jim Hediger could hardly hold back his smile when describing the “heavy” N scale industies that could be built on all that supporting superstructure!
Great laff, Jim
Don Wick

I love the that Jim told a little “N” scale Joke and David did not get it…


Great Show. Too bad Andy was busy elsewhere. It would have interesting to see wha he was working on. And that snow shot of your parking lot makes me feel happy that I am in New York City and we don’t have any snow on the ground. The weather is cold enough for it but beyond some snow flakes we haven’t seen any snow down here. Of course who knows what the morrow will bring.


Nice touch with the “February” weather out the window footage, David. If that doesn’t get folks in the mood for model railroading, nothing will. Just get the benchwork in, and rough-in the initial elevation surface, watch videos like this, and the rest will take care of itself. Thanks for all the inspiration. What a great hobby this is!!


WOW! It’s already February in Wisconsin?!? :wink:

February? What time zone are you in? Looking good.

“Well that’s February for ya.” I know my computer is not that slow…it’s really December I hope.

Looking good as always.
Question: I see you put screws in from the top. Is this a better way than say pocket screws from the bottom?

thank you your video that show what staff of Model Railroader at Bay Juction

You mentioned that the weather in February was bad, was this video shot last February?

Multi media at its best!!! From the written word to multi media stars, I love it, keep up the good work!!!