Fantastic treemanship and rock work is very real. Thanks for sharing.
Nice layout I’m trying to do one in my basement I just can’t seam to get it done
Absolutely spectacular scenery! This is what makes our hobby so great! Although I agree the deck girder bridge does look a little odd being that long between towers and probably should’ve been a truss, I do think stability-wise it’s fine. He probably used metal in a structural manner to build it. Perhaps an I-beam style support, or the whole bridge even could be metal, which would be plenty strong enough for any train he’ll run across there.
Hats off to Gerry - great detail. I picked up a few good ideas for my layout.
This railroad’s scenery is beautiful, but its operating scheme is even more impressive. An operating session on Mr. Albers’ layout is as close to going back in time and climbing aboard a Virginian locomotive as you can get. The attention to detail and the level of execution of every element is second to none. It is the state of the art in prototypical operations, and sets the bar higher every session. The crew lounge, the pre-session brief, the flawless track work, the great group of guys that make up his regular crew, and Mr. Albers’ hospitality all combine in support of the operations to create an experience that you will never forget. First class in every respect.
It looks to me that the too long bridge span allows folks to walk under the bridge in an isle. Just another of the many compromises that we modelers must make.
Come on you guys! The “unsupported” bridge you are it-picking is obviously a duckunder. Good job of modeling considering that.
Great layout,love the scenery.
I have a long way to go…
…reminds me of WV!
The trestle does appear to be too long, but it looks like there is a walk-thru underneath (imagine two more iron piers in the void). Really nice!
Beautiful layout, but I’d be hard pressed to find a bridge that could handle at least 10 loaded coal cars spanning 400 feet of unsupported bridge, even if it was made with kryptonite!
Very nice layout. That long bridge looks like it’s a duck under, so it looks fine to me. Your scenery looks very real. love the high hills with all the trees. Looks beautiful. Nice work.
Very well done, love the scenery, especially the expansiveness of the mountains, and there isn’t a more beautiful diesel than a Trainmaster in action, with maybe the exception of a RS-1, 2, or 3.
The bridge is obviously a walk under. You just have to imagine that there are more supports. I might just try that to cross one of my isles at a high level since I have a bridge like that from my old layout that used a steel bar inside to maintain real support. My supports were just detailed light weight plastic structures.
great job ,loved the scenery
Very interesting,a perfect example of mountain railroading, however I have just one criticism, I am a retired Civil Engineer I now have a small model bridge construction business building steel bridges of the Warren type design going up to long span structures, one of which I was commissioned by a well known Rock star for his fantastic mountain railroad. So after my plug I will state my case, he has a plate type girder deck bridge I assume over a walk way, this would never happen in real life it would simply sag and then collapse under the weight of a train, he would have been far better have me build him a long span steel arch structure, because “a” realistic “b” beautiful to look at and walk under, considering all the work he has put in to make a realistic railroad I can not understand this big mistake.
I always enjoy the layout videos as they are always full of something new and interesting. Great Ideas for additions to my layout. Especially well done video scenes such as the whistle warnings before the loco enters the crossing at excellent speed indicating a heavy drag. Although I will never get to as complete a model railroad as this one, I have great enjoyment as a MRer
Don’t quibble about the long span, the rest of the layout is excellent so it gets 99% out of 100. Fun to watch. The rest of us should do as well.
Great layout.
Pretty cool!
very good