I remember being thrilled by the KR&D series when it first came out, and I really enjoyed hearing about this little “behind-the-scene” episode. Thanks!
Great story Jim. I can bet they were not the good list for some. I did a small portion of flooring with a similar product and it was several weeks before my wife let me of the hook. Keep up the great work.
Just love your stories Jim.
Love the reminiscing of earlier times.
Thanks a lot.
Great story. they should have checked for leaks when they started pouring that stuff.
Absolutly fantastic stories Jim.
After talking to you today I couldn’t stop at one.
I had to watch every one and was very entertained!!!
I just goes to show why MR is # 1!!!
Keep up the great work!!
great story, one of my all time favorite project layouts, along with the clinchfield n scale layout.
Great story, I can see the humor in it. If it happened today the EPA would be looking to hang someone.
I’m with Mr. Sornsin on the pronunciation of the road’s name –
This has always been one of my favorite layouts that you have done, and borrowed some aspects for the one my sons and I built in the early 80’s. And I thank you for the GREAT story from Jim on the water, we need more like it.
Is there any chance that the series of articles on this layout in Model Railroader or the special edition of “Popular Model Railroads You Can Build” featuring this layout are somehow available?
This one had me laughing as I could almost smell it. I have worked with that rosin many years ago. I also did maintenance of vent systems and know how a small smell will fill a building quickly. Great story and a few more would be very enjoyable.
Have a great day.
Great story guys. Thanks Jim for sharing. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of humor received from Russ Larson and Gordon Odegard over the years. Make sure whatever you do now, keep the humor, fun, and happiness in the job and hobby. It will entertain and teach us for years to come.
Happy New Year, and have a great 2011. Dan
Got a love Jim Hediger!
YES I see outhers comments like them I HAVE SONE OF THE 50,S MODEL RAILROADERS from way back . I WAS GONING lite soom of the book go but I groe up with M. R. IN MY HANDS.
I remember my brother doing a layout in Madison called the
Wisconsin Connecting Lines, and that “water” really runs. He
thought he had it dammed up, but it ran off the layout over-
night into the shag carpeting in that room. It was still there
when he sold the house; no way to get it out except to cut
out that section of the carpeting. The stuff that stayed where
it was supposed to be looked great.
Great story. I used to work in boat building and I could smell the resin just listening to Jim. I agree about the track plan, I’d like to see it.
I remember the series well when it came out. I really liked the trackplan for this project back then, unfortunately I never had the means or space to build it myself, but did take note of the water. I had a similar experience with water at the time, on a diorama that I had built for a model contest that I entered into the Lone Star Region Convention that was here in New Orleans at the time. Well, I too sealed the area carefully before i poured, BUT, i didnt think that a pieced together retaining wall might leak, and didnt stop to think about the smell either. I did my pour which was significantly less, but the smell of the resin was just horrid, and my work bench which I worked at was in my bedroom. I managed to place a few old pans saving moms floor (thank god) and set to work trying to contain the leaks, which was akin to a one legged man in a ass kicking contest (which i got form dad when he came home). Finally, I got it contained and the pour went well after that, but the smell stayed in the house for quite some time afterwards. The diorama ended up with a first place ribbon at the convention, and I took a huge life lesson for pouring water…
I always like Jims’ commentary, he is a man of emense knowledge.
Why not add this track plan to the searchable database. There seem to be many desirable features to explore and ideas expressed in the brief glimpses during the film.
I always enjoy Jims storys - maybe should include him more often in codys office seqments
Hi,very interesting