Video: Layout tour of Tony Bowen's N scale Rock Island Lines

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Video: Layout tour of Tony Bowen’s N scale Rock Island Lines

Great layout! Just makes me hungry to see more. His article in “How to Model Railroads of the 1950s” has provided the needed inspiration for my N-sale layout. Seeing Tony’s solutions for his space has solved several prolems for my smaller space. Thanks for a great article and video. How about a Part 2?

How many of you noticed the F unit without the top headlight? That was a wrecked unit that the Rock Island rebuilt and left the top headlight off. Clever for him to show it here.

Loyout gave me several improvement ideas


I have seen the layout in person. The pictures show only a small part of the great layout.

Love the video…but the camera does NO justice for this. I have seen this in person and love it. Tony is a Great Modeler and can teach a lot to people. He has the skills and knowledge to make it look great!!!

I have not bought this magazine because I thought it would be to much like the other two, Modeling Railroads of the 1950s, 2005; and Modeling the '50s The Glory Years of Rail, 2008. Those two magazines included some of the exact same articles. Do you have a table of contents?

Wonderful layout and detail. The details lend a good dose fo credibility ane realism. Excellent work!

very nice, an inspiration for sure.

Loved the video. The layout is well detailed, and seeing trains moving gives you a lot better idea of the realism that has been achieved. A side question is about the music in the video, what is the name of the guitar piece at the beginning? I believe it was the second song.
Thanks for sharing your layout with us.

Well done, bravo.

Great scenary and trackage…excellent video. Thanks MR.

Nice layout - kinda makes me wish I’d gone N scale now - but I am sure I’ll thanks going HO when my body and eyes age some more.
Paul Church I believe the music is/are loops from Garage Band which is software for Macintosh only - I do stand correction here though. Great SW by the way.

“Trains, trains, trains!..I like trains!”

Very very nice thanks for sharing.

very realistic would like to model our west pittsburg rail yard in n scale some day here in new castle pa in the early years of rail roading but hav ing the time and the reaserch is very hard to get the information i would need to even get started

very realistic would like to model our west pittsburg rail yard in n scale some day here in new castle pa in the early years of rail roading but hav ing the time and the reaserch is very hard to get the information i would need to even get started

very realistic would like to model our west pittsburg rail yard in n scale some day here in new castle pa in the early years of rail roading but hav ing the time and the reaserch is very hard to get the information i would need to even get started

very nice and good details where all the areas the trains moved through.