Video's of some Train to Car Crashes

Check these out if you haven’t seen them already.

Here’s another one:

What are people thinking?

yeah I saw those. Stupid people…

Thanks, had not seen those.

I posted the links on a couple of the automotive forums I am on as a public service reminder that trains win every time.

As many times as I have said it, it’s still valid…“STUPID DOES AS STUPID IS”.

This is the only one I haven’t seen posted already.

Yeah, I have seen that one. It’s pretty good.

The first segment is my favorite of all time. The guy drives right in front of an oncoming freight train, has his rear end clipped, then instead of being happy he’s alive after such a stupid move, he’s mad at the train engineer! What a moron!

That’s the problem, they are not thinking at all.

Here’s that last one with a few extra seconds so you can see it take out the signal.

Here’s a few more:


You’ve got to feel for the crews in these situations.
