Virginia WGH model railroad show breaks record

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Virginia WGH model railroad show breaks record

Wow! That’s alot of people! It so great to see that many people are still getting into the popular hobby of model railroading. These train shows are really great for new comers to the hobby.


Lets get get a few shows out west.

All the press were notified of the events. The evening news covered it as an upcoming event. The Washington Post carried ads for the events for a whole week.

The word got out and people came!!!

That is great news! I hope that a lot of young people attended the show. We need more young people to get involved in the hobby.

I was there and it was amazing!!! I must have spent $500+ and I am just a teenager. And Thomas Siwik trust me there was nothing but trains, KIDS, and thomas the tank!!! A must see and do in your lifetime for all.

I was there with the Potomac Module Crew. It was packed! Cars a 1/4 mile out waiting to get in parking. The dealers had a great weekend, I believe. Quite a few older kids who watched for hours- a father/son who literally set up chairs to watch our module. I let a few non-hyper 10 year olds run my Crusader, they loved it. It served it’s purpose- get folks hooked.

My wife missed Cody, however.

I hope the Chantilly arrangement in terms of traffic management was handled better than the show last year at Oaks (Phila). Traffic getting into the area was at a standstill. I was heading that way and kept on going when I saw the backups.

I was at the show on Saturday, and it was great but crowded. Now I know why. I was in the Bachmann display when one of workers said that this was crazy, meaning the crowds. Great Show and I did see a lot kids there. Looks good in future for our hobby.

this same show is due in Long Beach, Ca. in about two weeks I’m looking forward to meeting some of the crew from Kalambach publishing there. Am glad to hear that DC had such a good turnout!

I don’t suppose we’ll be seeing The “WORLDS Greatest Hobby” downunder anytime soon

Saturday there was a real zoo because heavy rain was forecast for Sunday. Major roads leading in were jammed … but having been to the Expo Center for previous events we knew some work-arounds for access and parking. The biggest Center management planning blunder was holding the train show, a computer show, and a outdoor sportsmen’s show all on the same days and utilizing the same unattended parking area! What a mess! We witnessed heated confrontations by some over parking spaces and a long entry line, but once inside we and the grandkids instantly forgot about the madhouse outside.