Virtual railfanning in Chicago

Like my previous post, here’s some sites in and around Chicago.

This is not exhaustive, there are plenty of more sites that I didn’t include, but it’s a good highlight of a lot of places.

Chicago Railroad sites

Strange little roundhouse – in tact – in the middle of a steel complex

The “Rocket House” (What’s left of it)

Site of Englewood station where the PRR, CRI&P and the NYC converged.

I especially enjoyed the picture of the IAIS reload facility in Blue Island with the loop. The cluster of little power is the former CWP engine house in Irondale. The former Wisconsin Steel slag dump is about two blocks north of the engine house. When I was in high school, I would change buses at 104th & Torrence (about 1 block west) on a daily basis.

Awesome, thanks for doing all the work. These aerial websites make me feel like I own my own helicopter.


One note: the URLs for “Metra train in action” and “Joliet Union Station” are the same as the “Fireless Loco In Tinley Park”.

Nice! One small note, the first page listed as a CSX roundhouse, is in fact an EJE roundhouse at Kirk yard.

the CN turntable is actually Clearing Yard for the BRC (Belt Railway of Chicago).

Thanks for the tour.


The large UP facility is the Proviso diesel shop.

That IAIS transloading facility, in Blue Island, was once a freight-car manufacturing facility for the United States Railway Equipment Company (Evans Products).

That “strange little Roundhouae” is on the former Inland Steel property and was built to handle sw-7’s and 9’s. Right near it is a tunnel entrance where the trains - and brave motorists - can go into a tunnel and come up on the other side of Dickey Road in plant two. I only ever did it once with great fear and trepidation I would come nose to nose with a train in spite of the traffic light saying it was ok.