heyy guys is there a walk around throttle out there for DC? links or info is nice thanks a lot!!!
heyy guys is there a walk around throttle out there for DC? links or info is nice thanks a lot!!!
If you can get hold of a copy of the December 1986 issue of Model Railroader, there is an article in there by Al Turner on building your own DC walkaround throttle out of about $20 worth of Radio Shack parts.
Hope this helps!
Here is one at Internettrains.com
its what I was going to get 15 years ago when I got out of the hobby. Now I am full on DCC with digitrax
Just a note… That MRC walkaround controller needs the MRC Control Master 20 power pack to work. It’s not a standalone controller.
The MRC Control Master 20 power pack costs $170. http://www.internettrains.com/500-0020.html
Hope this helps!
Well, today I finally solved this problem for myself by ordering a Crest Train Engineer Basic. This wireless unit will give me walk around control without a tether. After considering the Control Master 20, Tech 4 350 with remote, and an entry level DCC system, I made my decision based on price and simplicity. I hope I like it when it comes in!
Here is where I ordered mine-I have no prior experience with this dealer but the price was attractive and Trainworld was out of stock-
I will try and post my impressions when I have it running.
Try www.gmlenterprises.com and you will find some GREAT walk-around throttles.
I’ve used them for years with gret luck. And Gene is a great guy!!
A coworker of my dad’s had a system like what you’re asking about. I don’t remember the brand specifics but I know that it was totally wireless and just used a power pack and some sort of reciever. I may be able to email him about his system if you want me to.
I built a throttle from the MR 1986 ad, cost me $10 in parts if that, and it works great!
I couldn’t get the link to work.
One of the people I volunteer with at the local museum has a Crest. It’s simple, reliable and he loves it. J.R.
I too have been using walk around throttles by GML for many years which are good and reliable. I agree that Gene is a great and helpful guy.
Try: http://www.thegmlenterprises.com/
Thanks for correcting my link Cliff. I didn’t realize I forgot the “The!”
*** computers!!!
Monday I received by Basic Train Engineer from Ridge Road Station and had to promptly head out of town. When I got home from work today I finally had the chance to hook it up and try it out. I am using it on my walk around switching layout which is currently divided into two blocks and tested it with an Athearn BB GP-40 and a P2K GP-30. The power supply I am using is my Tech4 200.
First impression-I really like it. Hook up was simple and quick. Performance was very good, especially with the P2K loco. I really like being freed up to follow the train around the layout and switch cars, uncoupling with the skewer method. The throttle has momentum built in, which I found operates realistically but is noticeable when you come from a throttle without it. I only had the chance to fool with it for about 15 minutes but so far I am a big fan of the unit.
I’ve been using a great unit (actually 2) for 5 or 10 years now. When I first got it they were put out by a guy w/ a garage operation that he sold to Alpine (the same people who put out the former Suydam building kits) A had a minor problem and they stood behind the units even though I got them from the predecessor. The two feature I like best are; you can start the train and unplug the unit and it keeps running until you plug it into a stnd fone jack and slow it down, and it has the capability of tapping off of the variable voltage DC ahead of the reversing relay permitting non-stop operation on a reversing loop.
I built 2 of the throttles described in the 1986 article and they both still work great. Cheap to build and easy.