Walkaround Controller non-DCC

I am hoping someone has a good idea of a non-DCC based walkaround control system. I only have a small layout (4’x8’) but while doing switching it would be nice to be “where the action is” and not have to walk back and forth while hustling cars around. Any ideas? It doesn’t have to support multi-taps and have memory, just a handheld throttle and several foot long tether. Thanks for any ideas!

I saw your note about the Ariso Craft system.I am interested in something like that but after looking in their catalog,it seems the receiver that’s mounted in the loco is rather large.I am running HO.Any other vendor or system out there that would help me?

The MRC Control Master 20 is a conventional DC powerpack w/hand held throttle. Check out the mail order places in MR. I’ve seen them listed from $100 to $125. It comes with a fifteeen foot long cable which should be long enough for your layout without adding any additional wirring.

The MRC 350 would be the best choice in my opinion (unless you run G).


Matthew, your best bet would be the Aristo Craft Basic Train Engineer Walkaround controller number ART-5480 - Believe me its just great. You’ll hook it up simply to your present powerpack and away you go - I have both the basic train engineer and the more expensive version but for your needs the basic unit is perfect for you. Check it out.
Hope above helps.
Keep on tracking

Rudy Montreal canada

Brooklyn Locomotive Works is selling MRC’s Model 55 handheld controller for $20.95… it attaches to the AC or DC terminals of your existing pack… Go to http://www.buynscale.com, click on “Index” on the left and then go down to “Model Rectifier Corp. (MRC)”. No affiliation with BLW, just happened to be looking there a few minutes before I came on here.

Hi gilbert, as I mentioned to Matthew the Aristo Craft BASIC TRAIN Engineer is all that you guys need. This walkaround throttle also used for G and N scale. In HO and N the received does not go into the engine but is seperate unit. All you do is hook up receiving unit to your track and power it with your old power pack. In other words it sits between the track and your old power pack. You transmit with an hand-held transmitter (like your tv remote) it is completely wireless so there is no tripping over wire from transmitter and receiver. No modification necessary to engines. It transmit a @27mghz multidrectional FM
signal with pulse code modification that eleiminates any outside signal interference. Like I said it operates off of your normal power pack just connect the receiver unit into existing wiring between the track layout and your power supply. The train engineer gives you wireless control of your train within a 100 foot circle of the receiver unit and maintains all the functions of your power pack while enhancing performance.
I have both the BASIC TRAIN ENGINEER and the more powerful 300 foot cicle unit (which is not necessary for your application) and believe me its the greatest throttle available short of DCC.
For one man basic home layout it will serve you well. check it out in walthers catalogue page 877
under power supplies or if you dont have a walthersw catalogue go WWW.Walthers.com believe it is now marketted under the CREST brand which is a subsidiary of Aristo Craft. Hope the above will help you solve you power problem Gilbert - let me know what you decide to do - keep on tracking
Rudy Montreal Canada2

Hi Rudy
Thanks for the advice.This sounds simpler then I thought.However I am still a bit confused.I have read that more than one engine can be operating on one track,at different speeds.Is this accomplished by installing another receiver,and if so,how is it separated from other engines?I am also assuming that the receiver(s) must be visible to the hand held remote.(direct line of sight)I will wait for your reply as this sounds very interesting.


Hi Gilbert,
Basic train engineer is for one engine one operator if you want to operate more than one engine at one time you will have to go to more expensive train enginer system. No line of sight is necessary as transmission is picked up by antenna from receiver unit (length of wire which is spread out horizontaly) I’ve used my transmitter from another room and engines operated perfectly. go on http://www.nvntrak.org/nb/wireless-throttles.php nuts and bolts on wireless throttles - that site will explain in great detail the more expensive wireless train engineer system. Believe me Gilbert the simple unit is good enough for most needs like I mentioned before i have both systems. I upgraded to the more expensive one but if I would have known I would have stayed with the basic unit. Its all a matter of what you want to do Gilbert - By the way the Basic train engineer system that I have is for sale. Of course U.S and Canadian prices vary quite a bit what with our lower currency. Anyway let me know what you decide - keep on tracking
Rudy Montreal Canada