Walking Benchwork. . .

I saw this on YouTube today - Walking benchwork. I don’t think it would be practical for a regular layout, but for a modular club. . .maybe


Well - it’s different! Can;t say how practical it would be for a model railroad application. (My personal preference is for benchwork that can only move if assisted by a fork lift!)

Somewhat aside - John Armstrong built the original part of the Canandaigua Southern away from the wall, for access during construction. When it became necessary to shift it to its final position he enlisted the membership of his local club, assigned each person to a leg and orchestrated a slow, relatively gentle (“One, two, three, KICK.”) location adjustment. Inserting a pre-built piece of roadbed and track got the layout back into operation within minutes.

Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - on stationary benchwork)

I’d like to see some of your models.