Walthers Double Track Truss Bridge

I just ordered the Walthers Double Track Bridge 933-3012. I’m assuming the the track spacing for this is 2" between centres. Can someone please verify this.


Yep, sure is. I used a digital caliper and I show 2.0095".

Hope that helps… Ed

Hi, Ed just confirmed that the two track center line spacing is 2 inches. In the right front corner of the following photo is a bit of a view of my two track swing bridge across a harbor. Bob Hahn

Yep, got two of them, end to end.

2" on center.

Be sure to get bridge track for them.


Thanks guys you’ve saved me a major headache! The new section I’ve been setting up has double main line with track spacing of 2 1/4". this a result of 30 and 32" curves being drawn slightly wider to allow for long passenger cars and Long engines.

I’ve done the exact same thing on my layout. My double main line has 30" and 32" curves and I have separations on the curves of 2 1/4". You need to taper down the straightaways to 2" on center.


Instead of “jogging” one of the tracks that 1/4", adjust the spiral easment to the 2". Usually easier done w/ the inside track.

I tapered the outer 32" inward so this will solve the problem. thanks for the input guys. I’m going to enjoy this expansion.

I just measured mine and I get 2-3/16"