Walthers IS releasing a HO Hiawatha...And Maybe Skytops!

No, the shed by itself is listed at $99.98. The shed and depot together (which will be a limited-run issue) are listed at $249.98.

I don’t know if they’re going to sell just the depot by itself. It’s not listed as such on their promotional poster, which is also floating around out there in cyberspace.

The model of the depot doesn’t look as wide as the real thing:

Were there additions added to the depot or is the model a “close-enough” version?

Is it just me or is the model incorrect? the photo of the actual station show arch windows on both side of the tower entrance but, the model doesn’t have the arch windows. Also, the photo of the actual station shows additional rooms/offices but, the model doesn’t have the additional rooms/offices.


The station does look to be a compressed version of Milwaukee Road’s Milwaukee depot. The depot tower and train shed are very close to the Milwaukee Road depot in Minneapolis - wouldn’t appear to be too hard a kitbash. Interesting…!!

Todd & others,

The prototype Milwaukee depot was built in 1884-86 essentially as it appears in the historical photograph posted above. It always had those two sections on either end of the building. Walthers’ model version was selectively compressed by omitting those sections and fudging those end walls to accommodate the compression–most likely to make the model more manageable for customers space-wise and money-wise. And yes, the model’s street-level windows are all rectangular instead of having some arched windows (perhaps to simplify the mold-making process or something???)…but all in all, it makes a pretty close representation of the real thing.

Ok, Milwalkee people someone help me out. I have no references on the Milwalkee. There are 10 cars in the Walthers set. What car set makes up a typical real train? What is the date for this train set? Are these the same cars that were pulled by the steam locomotives or a newly created set for the new E7s?

No help from the Milwalkee fans out there?

I believe that the 10 car set would be the typical 10 car consist of the TC Hiawatha. Note that there are 2 kinds of express cars and coaches, to make more than one car for the set.

Although I am a MILW fan, I don’t know all of the specifics about the Hiawathas. There are a few Yahoo groups that are all gung-ho about the set, and they get into all of the specifics about the train.

Hope this helps!

Also, these particular cars from Walthers represent the 1955-57 Twin Cities Hiawathas (Chicago-Milwaukee-St. Paul-Minneapolis), because they have the then-relatively-new 8-foot wheelbase Nystrom trucks and appropriate paint scheme for that time period.

So far, Walthers has not said if they will be issuing versions of the cars with appropriate detailing and paint schemes for earlier or later versions of the train. Nor has Walthers said anything about releasing the other cars necessary to make an Olympian Hiawatha (Chciago-Seattle).