I’ve decided to get the walthers Hiawatha station. Now my question to you is this. How man sheds did the original have? The only pictures I’ve seen have been very dark. But I make it out as three if you count the supports and compare them to the Walthers model, but someone in the main forum said 8. So anyone who knows?
I’ve been wondering this too. But I can say I would think 8 would be closer to prototypical but impractical for MR purposes. The station here in Denver, which I judge to be about the same size, can hold 16 full size passenger cars under the passenger canopy.
I ordered the station and three additional sheds. I will try that out. My guess is that it’s enough to make a credible scene and will cover 8 cars but still small enough so that it is usable. I can always ad on later. The important thing was to get the station since it’s a limited run. Even though I do believe that is a fairly large “limited run”.
In prototype photos in the Morning Sun book, “The Milwaukee Road in Color, Vol. 2,” the Milwaukee train shed had 23 columns on each side, or 23 arch spans. The Walthers train shed kit comes with seven columns to a side, or seven arch spans. If the spacing of the arches is correct on the model, three kits and part of a fourth should get you close to the full length.
(It was all long gone before I ever saw Milwaukee, so I have no firsthand knowledge.)
I’ve ordered four sets of them so that should be just about right then. They apparently come in halves so three and half set should be good. I read in another thread that the sheds where 600ft long.