Walther's Milwaukee Style Station: Mortarless (color-wise?)

I’ve finally decided upon and purchased the Walther’s Everett St. Station kit. The mortar lines are decorative, tiny and extremely shallow (sort of like N scale mortar line depth). I noticed in the detailed Model Railroad News article that describes in detail, the building of this kit, that Mr. Priest didn’t “mortar” his walls, just air gun sprayed them brick red. Was this prototypical for some brick buildings to be “all red”? I usually use spackle for mortar but that isn’t going to work on this kit. I’m wondering if a general consensus would be that it would be a mistake to hand paint this kit. I have always hand painted before but this one’s expensive and large! What is a good mortaring technique when the molded mortar lines are this fine? Acrylic wash? India Ink if black is a better “mortar” choice? Thanks.

Well you could do what I did with my Walther’s Washington Salvage Yard and paint the entire building your mortar base color and then hand color the bricks with artists markers. It takes a little time but produces very nice brick work. Tom

Sure mortar comes in a variety of colors and is used in a variety of thicknesses. It is quite common for “formal” brick surfaces to have very narrow mortar lines and mortar colored to match the brick.

Thanks again Dave for the help/info. on both of my station threads. Thanks Tom. That’s a technique I haven’t tried. I think this particular kit will be way too large for that but I’m going to try it on something smaller. I’ve seen colored/tinted mortar on modern buildings but didn’t know if this was done in the Milwaukee Station’s era. 1800s/early 1900s.