Walthers or Bachmann??

Well, in my continuing search for knowledge of how to build and maintain my layout, I now have a question about passenger cars.

I will end up running a Hudson or Consolidation with a few (not more than 6) heavyweight passenger cars. The question is, which do I get, the Bachmann cars or the new Walthers heavyweights?

I would like the cars to be lighted, but DCC controlled so I can turn the lights on and off.

Any opinions?

Depends on your prototype. Bachmann’s Spectrum cars a PRR prototype. Walther’s vary, but the description provides the information.

The HO scale Spectrum cars can do 22" radius without major difficulty. The Walthers require modification to get less than 24", and are not very happy at 24" min radius.

The Spectrum cars can be had for a lot less $$$.

The DCC controlled lighting is something that you will have to do your self. To date, no company offers that feature.

Here is DCC lighting for Walthers heavyweights. Does anyone know exactly what fuctions it has (do they have an on/off control, or just the proper circuitry for DCC)?..


Well, I have 26" curves + and #6 turnouts, so I’m not worried about radius…

I wonder if the DCC lighting kits for Walthers can be used in the Bachmann cars?

In regards to detail, I would go with the Walthers cars. Have you checked out the Branchline cars?

The Walthers DCC light units are just made for the 14-16v ac track voltage of DCC, they come on when the track has power and off when not powered. I have both the Walthers & Bachmann cars, and the Bachmann have a tricky light to service - wires run up from the trucks to a little clip in the top side of the car - removing & replacing the roof requires careful re-assembly & some playing around to get the lights working again. The Walthers just clips into the top of the car. I run DCC but use the DC Walthers units - I had them before I had DCC - & they work just fine with the DCC. The Walthers cars are higher priced & require larger radius - if looks are important, as previously stated here, Bachmann is PA proto & Walthers more car/road specific.

That is what I figured about the DCC lighting (espicially for the price). I did notice that the DCC version is cheaper than the DC lighting kit. I guess you don’t hve to worry about the constant lighting issue with DCC, hence less circuitry?

The DCC lighting for Walthers passenger cars has voltage regulation, resistors, and capacitors on one end to drop the voltage to the lights and help suppress flicker caused by dirty wheels – it is not DCC controllable lighting.