Walthers P2K older E7 decoder installation

I have a pair of older HO Walthers Life-Like P2K blue-box E7’s that i need to install decoders into. I would like to keep the stock lighting operational , if possible. I normally use NCE decoders but have talked to TCS about their prodcuct line. They suggested that I use a T1 decoder with an E7 harness.

I looke at the manual for the decoder and have concerns with ythe stock lighting wiring - specificaaly with the stock low-voltage bulbs. Since I can’t get a clear answer ffrom anyone I’m wondering if I should just go with the NCE "fleet"decoder and replace the lights with leds and program the cv’s for the lighting effect that I want.

Any idea’s ?

The suggested decoder plugs in to the 8 pin socket on the loco’s board and everything feeds through that. The bulbs will be fine, buit the Mars light is FAR superior if you replace the hokey double filament bulb with a normal one hooked directly to the decoder and use the decoder’s function effects. TCS’s work well with either incandescent bulbs or LEDs so you can hard wire the decoder and do the LED swap. The TCS T1 with plain wire harness will work if you hardwire it. The TC gets you BEMF which the NCE does not have. Either will work.
