Walthers SP Pullman Standard 12 Double Bedroom Sleeper

Hello to everyone.

As usual, I’m searching for some information about some US passenger cars.

In this case, I’m talking about the Southern Pacific Pullman Standard 12 Double Bedroom sleeper (Walthers item n. 932-9405): did SP ever own such a type of sleeper in this paint scheme?

Moreover, which other railroad did own these particular sleepers?

Many thanks for your help.

Southern Pacifc did own some 12 double bedroom cars. Whether or not they were identical to the Walthers model, I don’t know. The paint scheme on the Walthers car mirrors the post-1958 scheme used by the SP until Amtrak took over. When built, the sleepers would have been painted in two tone gray or Union Pacific yellow and gray (for joint trains).


Here you go. SP owned 12 Double Bedroom sleepers. Plan 4139A

SP 9400 New 26-Jul-50

SP 9401 New 28-Jul-50

Golden Orange; SP 9402 (8/14/53) New 29-Jul-50

Golden Poppy; SP 9403 (8/12/53) New 27-Jul-50

There were two other cars. La Jolla and La Palma - both owned and leased to Pullman by the Rock Island. Plan 4139.

I just purchased one of the Walthers 932-9405. The instruction sheet indicates that the base model is a NYC Port-series sleeper. I compared the model to photos of 9400-9401 and the model is very similar. The window arrangment looks right. The differences that I have noticed is vertical vs horizontal hand grab at the non-vestibule end as well as a missing step; the flare in the skirting is missing a small step at the start of the flare; different roof vents and position of hand grabs on the roof over the vestibule. The lettering looks correct. The decals included are 9400-9403, Golden Orange and Golden Poppy. The information that I have found (Rock Island Technical Society) states that they ran on the Golden State and were originally painted in the Golden State scheme. SP 9402 and SP 9403 were named Golden Orange and Golden Poppy, but the names were removed in 1953, the same year that SP adopted the Sunset Ltd. scheme for the Golden State. The model is painted in the Sunset Ltd. scheme and the names Golden Orange and Golden Poppy may never have been on the cars in that paint job. The names may have been removed when the cars were repainted, or shortly thereafter. The RITS web page logs the 9400 in a GS consist as late as 9-14-64. I haven’t found anything about the cars being used in another name train.