Walthers Turntable Motor

A while back I purchased (at a reasonable price), the older version of the Walthers HO scale 90 foot turntable kit. I’ve since learned (mostly from experience) that this turntable has a common problem in that it’s hard to motorize the turntable in the method Walthers recommends in the instructions. I’ve been looking around for a better motorizing kit that I could possibly adapt to the turntable, and I found this on Walther’s website:


While it doesn’t say it’s for the HO scale walthers kit, just the N scale one, it does say it would work for the Heljan HO scale turntable which makes me think it should be able to work the Walthers HO scale turntable as well. Has anybody here ever tried to use this motor drive kit on the Walther’s 90’ HO turntable? Is there a way to adapt the motor shaft to the turntable bridge shaft easily? What about the mounting bracket; is it the right size?

Alternately, if anybody knows other ways of powering this turntable I’d be interested in hearing them. I’ve got the Walthers “motorizing kit” to power the turntable right now and it kind of works, but not very reliably or very well and I’d like to find another way. I have this turntable on a display module I take to local model railroad shows as a part of a model railroad club, and it would be nice to have the turntable functioning.

Thanks in advance for any help,
