Walthers/Walthers Trainline

I have seen Walthers AND Walthers Trainline products. Are these made by Walthers, or are they made by someone else for Walthers? Are they decent products (engines and rolling stock)?

Oops, sorry, never mind. I did a search and came up empty, but turns out I mis-spelled.

i have a trainline flat car that i bought several years ago and never used, i went to put kadee #5’s on it last week to use at my clubs layout and found that the centering spring and coupler didn’t work proprely in the coupler pocket. i had to remove the cast on area for the coupler and put in the box for a #5. then i found it came out too low so i had to put in a #27 coupler. other than that it ran ok and looks good too.

From what I’ve seen, Trainline is intended as a “budget” range but is still made by Walthers. Quality varies - I have a couple of steel coil cars that are very nice - just added Kadees and a bit of extra weight to them, but I also have an Amtrak caboose that I had to add glazing, ballast, and some careful repainting to to make it look convincing (This may be because Amtrak MOW orange is very tricky colour to create a realistic model in). In summary, they’re ok, but best thought of as a base for superdetailing work - at those prices they’re hard to beat!

The locos are, in my experince, superb. I have an Amtrak F40PH by Walthers Trainline that is superb - quiet, smooth running, powerful and with reasonable detailing for the price - with the possibility of adding extra detail parts to improve them. I also run a CSX Dash 8-40B which I bought as a non-runner (eBay) and then repaired. It’s ok - a few problems still (the whole bodyshell rocks if you open the throttle quickly!) but I suspect these were caused at the same time as the original fault (broken front truck pivot, replaced with a small screw). New examples are probably excellent.

I would check out there ready to roll series. Thay make reasonably priced modern freight equipment. Replace the horn horks with kd #5’s and on some cars add some weight and they are nice cars.

I have a Trainline GP-15, which I modelled for a specific locomotive, and found that the loco is very accurate, comparing it to photos of the prototype[:)]. I’m also impressed with the way it performs[:D], especially since it only cost $29.99 at my LHS.Definitely worth keeping[tup].