Wanna kill some time?

Wanna kill a few minutes? Have a crack at this!

Watch your speed and the distance to the stop point!


My first crack at it was 4.9 yards. Posting stuff like this is bad. I am not going to get any work done now.[:)]

i got a 0.4 yard stop first go then a 4.7 yrd stop second go

I got 9.1 the first time and perfect the second. I haven’t been able to do it again though. The closest I got was .2 over. I had the coupler sticking out.

Addictive, isn’t it?

Now how about a Japanese electric train at night? http://www.mars.dti.ne.jp/~opaku/zigzag/railway/eDemoM02.html?num1

4.2 yard before. Seems to be a pattern. Definitely semi-addictive.

How do you work this nothing seems to do anything? Mike

To the right of the control panel is the program button. Click that. Now wait for the yellow light on the control panel to light up telling you that the doors are closed. Then move the big brake lever all the way to the top left to release the brakes. Now pull down the throttle and you’re off. Reverse the procedure to stop.

79 yards, then 204 yards… [:O]

I’m not giving up my day job yet. Oh, wait, I’m already retired. [swg]



1.4 meters over at first try.


Marc Immeker

The closest i’ve got it .3 yards over.


I got 0.2 yards before on my first run, then perfect the run after [:)]

I don’t know about you guys, but it’s a good thing that motion sickness bags are standard equipment on my trains!

I ended up .01 over…Not bad for the first try.

1.2 yards on the first tray.

my first try was .5 under.

not bad


I’ve done this thing more then a dozen times now and I still haven’t gotten another perfect. This thing is hard!