I’m missing one part #7 for the Walthers’ Milwaukee Train Shed. It’s the end piece for the wide platforms that hold up the roof. (This part has a square vertical post hole). I definitely need one and wouldn’t mind two if anyone is willing to part with…their part(s).
Thanks if you can help and don’t have room for your shed on your layout,
Try contacting Walthers and seeing if they’ll send you a replacement part. Their train cars come with parts lists and they will supposedly send new parts if you need them. I haven’t tried this yet, but it’s worth a shot. If the kit was missing the parts when you opened the package, then you should be able to get the parts for free (or for whatever the postage costs.)
Maybe some parts. But if this a newer kit and the part was missing from it, my experience with Walthers has been that always manage to come up with the missing item.
My experience with Walthers having or providing missing parts is extremely poor.
P.S. Jim, if all else fails, you can easily fabricate that piece out of styrene sheet. If it flat and rectangular, so not to difficult to shape to match.
I don’t know on this one,but if you call and explain that you are missing parts,from a unopened kit that you purchased from them,they may send you a new kit,If in fact you could prove that you purchased it new…Would not hurt to find out…
Yeah, that model is marked as “Discontinued.” Still, they may have one that they opened for parts. Send them an e-mail, but don’t be surprised if they send nothing but an apology.
Your best option may be to get some styrene pieces and try scratchbuilding a replacement.
Is this the bg arched piece at the end? If so, I would put the scratchbuilt piece where it will be the least obvious, either at the other end or somewhere in the middle, even if that means drilling a few differnt holes. If one side of the shed is against a wall where it won’t be seen from the other side, you could move one of the inner arches to the end, cut another inner arch in two and use those sides on the front, and fabricate 2 new half-arches for the back where they won’t be noticed.
Maybe, but I bought several new Walthers passenger cars from a large eBay dealer and one car was missing the little package of grab irons. When I wrote to Walthers, they said that the eBay dealer was not an authorized dealer.
Chris, I’ll try messaging but just in case, but wanted to let you know the parts arrived safely today. Perfect timing too! I’ve just driven my “golden spike” on the main part (aside from staging) of the layout. Looking forward to getting the shed started.