Just curious. If one was ever made. I’ve never seen pictures of it.
EMD never manufactured an SD30. The SD24 was the equivalent.
The reason was that the SD24, at 2400 HP, was more powerful than the GP30 which was only 2250 HP, and the SD24 continued in production after the introduction of the GP30. The GP30 was originally known as the GP22 but the model number was increased to sound better than the competing U25B.
Railroad Model Craftsman did produce a drawing several years ago of a low nose SD30 for any modeller who might want one. I can probably be found in the index on this site.
Actually only one request was EVER made for a SD30 and that was made by Kenndecott Copper in 1962. EMD made the call to make a SD24 instead of a one off design instead. Also that SD24 Unit 179 IIRC was NOT even Equipped with MU capibilty at all in any way.