if a guy builds a layout that needs 25 locos. i’m sure he can afford it…
I experienced some reservations, but, what’r ya gonna do? They are the nicest locos for details in the Heritage range, if light pullers, and I’d hate think that that nice Berk might disappear before I ever get one…can’t think when that’d be since I just blew a ton on two locos… And I’d like to know I can replace my Heritage USRA 0-6-0 if I ever have to.
So, this is a bad thing? Will it ruin P2K and turn their GP20s into retooled Trainline GP15-1s? I have no idea what’s going on, but I love P1K and P2K. Will this affect them in any negative way?
We’ll just have to wait and see. I’m thinking that Walthers bought Life Like for a pretty penny, paying for it through debt. Life Like seemed to be running pretty well (except for some gear problems on earlier models). If Walthers is smart, and I have no reason to believe they are not, they’ll continue to run the company just like it did under Life-Like ownership and then the corp. that had it in the interim. Should be interesting.