Water Tower Construction

Hello All; I hope this is theright place to ask this question; Could someone tell me where I might find information on the workings of the water spout and support structure for RR locomotive water towers? I am scratch building one for my (just getting started) garden RR and want to do it right. Being a “detail freak” and having no close-up pictures or drawings, it’s kinda hard to imagineer the valves and necessary gear. Any help would be hot. Thanx in advance, Jeff

try going on ebay-someone usually has an Aristo water tower for sale-you can download the photo and enlarge to get some details

Go to the www.hartford products.com, they have a kit of what you are looking for.
Good Luck,

Jeff, you might find some ideas here:


This tank is made from a coffee can covered with plastic card board with a roof made from aluminum sheet and ladder made from hardware cloth.
The bands are # 12 copper wire with the ends twisted together, cutting the extra wire off then bending it down onto the bands to look like turn buckles used by the RR.

Very weather proof.

wd8jik, Very nice! i especially like the way you used hardware cloth for the ladder[tup][tup] very [8D]!

Torby has some good info on a water tower at http://gold.mylargescale.com/torby/