I just finished a wood loading dock / platform for my saw mill. I used bass wood & balsa wood. I know from experience to use an OIL base stain to get the look I wanted. I love it just what i invisioned. Now I have a problem. I need to ballast the track & add some grass & weeds. I usually use wet water & elmers glue about 80/20. If I spray the ballast & scenery with wet water solution my loading dock / platform will look like a pretzel. It was built in place and can’t be removed. Any suggestions out there.[?]
Mix up some Wet water in a cup and use a Syrenge(sp?) or Eyedroper or empty elmer glue bottle to drop the water onto the ballast just like you would dropping the glue on.
Something else I just read said you can use thick walpaper glue with a fine ballast, mix it into a paste and spread in on. Heres a link to the page click the ballast link. http://www.all-model-railroading.co.uk/amr/index.htm He also has some really neat scenery techniques at least to a nooblet like me.
I use a medicine dropper available from any pharmacy. I like it because it holds more than an eyedropper. I dribble some “wet water” or rubbing alcohol, then dribble the glue on. You have better control than using a spray bottle.
Mask/shield the area around the loading dock, then spray it with Testors Dullcote or Krylon Clear Acrylic (Flat) to seal the structure. That will protect most of it. Then put some removable clay product or the like around the bottom to prevent any ballasting liquid from flowing to the footings and wicking into the structure. Yes, a hassle, but now you know to seal the wood before placing it on the layout.