Well today was another nice day up in the north woods…So we took a lil ride up towards the LS&I…When we got up there we headed right over to Tilden Mine where we heard a WC TW getting handed out…
Here is the train that was going to head back over to Escanaba today
After the TW was given to the train he got on his way…We took a drive by shot of the lead unit and the helper unit
The train now making its way around a bend up towards Empire Mine
Climbing up the grade and lifting its tonnage up out of the valley…the 2 diesels work hard to get there train rolling
Heading under one of the tunnels
Now at Empire Jct the train takes the leg of the WYE to head towards Escanaba and onto WC tracks
Now coming up to Goose Lake we stop by this bridge and run down and get some shots