WC SW1500's

how many SW 1500s are left on the CN in WC colors?

i know 1570 & 1571 was rebuilt & painted in CN colors

it would be ncie for them to get rebuilt but repainted in WC colors

i only saw 1 which was 1563 at Fond du lac WI

In September 2006, I saw one while railfanning in Stevens Point, WI. It was #1565.

heres a pic of mine i saw at fond du lac

I’ve seen that GP9 there before - it was a pleasant surprise.

i just recently saw 1561 switching at fond du lac it was too dark for a picture ( i was thier at 8:00 at night when i saw go across lakeshore dr.

i’d love to get a shot of one of those units. maybe i’ll see one if i go to stevens point or fon du lac

If you do come to Fondy, stay out of the parking lot on Lakeshore
Drive, by the yard office. You will be checked out, either by CN
officials or the North Fondy police.(don’t ask how I know[censored]
If you stay out of that parking lot, and stick to local streets both
north and south of the yard, you should get some good pics.

of the yard power here now are the CN GP-9’s MU-ed with one of the
SW1500’s or a slug. Local power can be anything from IC GP’s, CN GP’s,
or the occasional WC GP’s or six axle power(IC, CN, or DW&P)


Last time I was in Stevens Point, the 155? was working the yard with a CN SD40-2 and the slug set. The 1562 was in Rapids with another switcher (don’t have the number off hand).

The CN/WC repaints seem to have been located to the Fox Valley area (NFDL, Neenah, ect) as I have never seen them west of there yet.


There was a pair of them in Neenah recently. I have shots of them, but I don’t think they’re up on the internet yet. I have sat in the lot in FDL near the Yard Office and haven’t been harassed. I talked a couple of times with some MOW crews and once even a NFDL PD officer. I was advised that if I didn’t trespass and didn’t get in the way by the MOW crews that usually I’d be ok. To that end I don’t push my luck.

“The CN/WC repaints seem to have been located to the Fox Valley area (NFDL, Neenah, ect) as I have never seen them west of there yet.”

SW1500s 1566 and 1570 both show up in the Stevens Point/Wisconsin Rapids area quite frequently- both are in CN red/black. I photographed 1566 several times this summer around Point and Plover, and I shot 1570 at the Plover “depot” over Christmas when it was assigned to the Plover Patrol. They tend to go where CN needs them on ex-WC lines- regardless of paint scheme.

i saw 1561 switching in green bay on may 2nd

its nice to see these running around & i hope CN dosent get the smart idea to get rid of them.

any way what i believe is these are the ones left in WC colors

1552,1558 1560-1565 1566-1571 are in CN colors & sub named WC.

1561 & 1563 are the only ones i saw. im gonna go out soon & try looking for alot of them i think alot are in the fdl & point round houses.


1565 just got burnt up yesterday in the point yard. all the elctrical wiring wa fried & as of mow its not gonna get fixed. i found out on the wcinfo yahoo group.

I was in North Fond Du Lac today (06/05/07), and saw WC1564 and WC1571 (in CN colors). When In Neenah, I saw WC1552.

This might be a bit off subject but I think Athearn Messed up on WC 1551 Paint Scheam(I don’t want to start a Useless Athearn Attack, Just wondering). Didn’t 1551 have the “triangle” scheam instead of the Stripe. Because on the Model has the Stripe scheam. Also I’ll be going up the Stevens point next week, Do ya think I can catch any 1500s?

I just took a look at my old photos, and apparently, all the SW1500’s
had the tree scheme, only the SW1200’s had the stripe(but I do have a
pic of 1237 with the stripe, and later with the tree scheme).

Correction to my previous post-

Most of the original 1500’s
had the stripe, painted at Shops, but a few had the tree(the ones done
at Stevens Point.) Eventually the 1500’s were repainted with the tree

Caught a Few at point today. (monday June 18, 2007) These where taken on the same day. The first one is 1558, and the last three are 1562.

WC SW1500

WC SW1500

WC SW1500. Workin on the engine.

Here’s 1562 in the shop. This is about as close as zoom as I could get.(With the digtal)

Shop with SW1500

saw 1560 in wisconsin rapdids today. i was goin down the rd at the time when it went under us. i dont know what it was doing though. i also saw a cn/wc repaint one on wednesday going through port edwards. just got across the crossing when it went by. did not get the number.

Have you guys seen any other 1500s? Hopefuly I can get down to Point this weekend and see if they got any diffrent ones.

happend to come across 3 on my trip

WC 1561 in Fond Du lac 7-2,7-3

WC/CN 1571 fond du lac 7-2

WC 1558 Fond Du Lac 7-3

pics are on my web & in the teen place section