I hadn’t been on MR forums in a few weeks during which I upgraded my browser to IE 7.0 (specifically 7.0.5730.11). Now I am only able to post new topics or replies to existing topics with this mini-window generic editor with practically no formatting capability.
Is the problem IE 7.0 or have y’all done something to lose the more sophisticated editor?
The problem is with IE7. Most of us have reverted to using IE6 or have switched to another browser such as Firefox, because there are so many bugs in IE7 that need to be worked out.
Do tell. Well, I’m a fairly heavy IE user and this is the first problem I’ve had that might be IE7 related. I’ve also had no problems with posting on other site forums. I’m not all that keen on being at the “bleeding edge” but I believe I’ll hang in there with IE7. MR will catch up eventually.
Don’t worry, IE7 will let you know what a piece of poo it is sooner than later.This forum isn’t the only thing you’ll have trouble with, you just haven’t found out yet…
Firefox is such a refreshing change from IE, I can’t tell ya. Firefox has all the tabbed browsing you want without all the security and other problems that IE 7 has.
I deleted the entire auto update on my system, I got tired of it popping updates up on me. I turned it off and somehow Windows update online turned it back on, so I erased it completely.
Yeah, my bet is that there’s a line of code in the forum software that says something like “if IE level = 6, use enhanced editing; else, use basic editing.” It might be that merely changing “= 6” to “>= 6” or some such minor change would fix the problem. Then again, …
It’s much more likely the way that IE7 handles activeX controls, or whatever allows for the “enchanced” editor in IE 6.
Because of this, the control itself is written to work in 6, and if the change is too drastic it gets broken… now the image thing is really strange… and it appears that IE 7 also messes with quoting…
solution for all - FireFox (or other non-Microsoft browser of your choice)
The only problem I’ve seen with IE7 is the way it handles (or rather doesn’t handle) quoting other messages.
Straight posts I have made here have been indistinguisable as to which browser I used. Ones where I quotes a previous post, it is obvious where I used IE7 instead of Firefox, but I challenge anyone to find one of my recent posts that did nto include a quote and tell me it was Firefox 2.0 or IE7.
Oh, no format bar in IE7 either - can;t pick font size or type, or insert smileys. But then,t his forum software seems to have issues with certain Mac browsers as well. Obviously not an ActiveX issue since it works with Firefox (at least 1.5 and 2.0) and some Mac browsers just no others. In this case, I thinkt he issue is the forum software and not IE7. Heck my online banking works fine in IE7 and I don’t bank wih one of the huge national banks, rather a small local credit union.
It seems that as of November 27th either the Model Railroader software or IE7 has been patched to eliminate a lot of the previous problems that people had been experiencing. I installed it today and it seems to be working just fine so far.
Oops, I spoke too soon – I still have the problem of not being able to include a web site link because there’s no cut and paste, and if I type in the whole thing it does’t highlight it like IE6 does.
So, I’m back using IE6. Thankfully, using the Control Panel to uninstall IE7 reverted back to IE6 without having to reload IE6 and my favorites list.