weathering a black engine

how should i weather a ns engine for coal service.

First, look at lots of pictures.

Next, understand that coal dust combined with road dust makes a locomotive look lighter, not darker.

I use several thin washes of charcoal grey or grimy black to lighten the black and stain the white markings. I put additional washes on the top of the locomotive hoods to simulate a build up of soot and dust and grime.

Hope this helps.


Check the MR mag index for article(s) by John Pryke on weathering rolling stock and engines. Lots of good info including color selection and paint application in the one article I recall reading. He might have contributed other articles as well.

Bruce J.

Check out this page for some ideas.


Dang, those are some nice engines. I like the subtle weathering.

Being an NKP fan, I’ve had to weather a lot of basically black engines. What works for me is chalks. Scrape some light grey along the top of the hood and spread it out with a soft brush. The idea is to make the black look faded. Now try some rust color and blend it with the grey. It will look more intense before you dullcoat it so make it a little more weatherd than what you really want. Use some dry brushed mud on the fuel tanks, a few runs of gloss black on the fuel tanks beneath the fuel filler, and some rust on the usual places on the trucks and wheels. This should represent a reasonably well cared for engine that’s seen some road service for a few years. How much more of a rust bucket you want to make it is up to you. [:)] Dullcote the whole thing and you’re ready to show it off to your cheering fans.

Hey, Pilgrim, I never do things with half-measures; I even weather the inside of my boilers and/or hoods

What’s the point? Either way, its still gonna be coloured black.


I am doing a NS layout with mainly coal, and I weathered my engine the other day. I used some black powder to dull it, and add a few white spots with the black powder to make it look real faded. I put a few layers of dullcote as well. I didn’t put any rust on it at all. Mostly went for a look for a dirty/faded look. I will have to post some pictures if I can tomorrow.
