Newbie from the UK needs a little help !!
Hello everyone, I’m just getting to the stage of weathering my rolling stock and have noticed the wide use of ‘rubbing alcohol’ as an aid in the technique used by so many modellers in the US. Here in the UK ‘rubbing alcohol’ is not something I have come across. I know its based on Isopropyl Alcohol but what percentage would I need to use and where am I most likely to purchase it ?
Any assistance would be much appreciated
I use 91% mixed in with a grimy black or rust to make washes. I have also found that if you apply and over spray of clear flat on a darker color, such as tuscan red, then apply a wash with 91%, it creates and oxidized effect similiar to sun bleaching. Too much alcohol though can do bad things to a finish.
Yes! Be careful. Keep in mind that people use the 91% to strip paint too.
Why not just use the airbru***hinner made for the paint instead of Rubbing Alcohol?
For a riskless fading technique(black doesn’t fade) review
and scroll down to “fading freight cars”.
That’s just the technique that I’m comfortable with and use. There are many ways to skinner the cat.
I use the 70% with india ink added to make a wash for just about everything.
I don’t know what they sell in Britain, but you are on the right track with Isopropyl, thats the stuff we have.
If and when you find it, let us know where and what it’s known by.
When mixing IPA and paint, what ratio do you use for washes?
Sometimes I drybrush using a mix of Polly S and 91% alcohol. This creates a softer effect than drybrushing straight paint. That is primarily the first step on the Hudson here…