Weathering the benchwork


I posted some images on the weekend photo thread and thought I would post a few more in its own thread.

For the front on my CNJ Bronx Terminal layout I thought I would do something a bit different. Instead of using black curtains to cover the legs as I had initially intended, I built a shipping crate and stenciled it with the layouts name and a CNJ logo.

For the fascia I created fake rivets and painted it to look like an old rusty steel structure.

I have posted several images on my site showing how the process was done.

Now that the structure is complete, I can get back to finishing off the trackwork!

Drop by and have a look…

CNJ Bronx Terminal

I LIKE it!!![bow]

99 and 44/100ths percent of fascias are dishwater dull, in a (sometimes successful) attempt to have them do a visual disappearing act. It’s nice to see something different - and prototypically appropriate.

Well done! [^]

Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - with plain Masonite fascias)

Wow, thats nice!

Very nice!!! What an imagination!

How did you make the lettering?

I like that, I am guessing you used a stencil to letter it?

Also what size is it, and what scale is it?

Pretty slick, you are to be commended for imagination, looks really good.

I’m very impressed, that is perhaps the most unique look I have seen. It has an almost Steampunk vibe.

Very cool


Since my own benchwork / fascia work tends toward the functional-but-ugly end of the spectrum, it’s nice to see a real artist at work!

Great work!

Although I think that layout is tiny I love the concept. The fascia looks real cool. Nice job! Imagine if you had that around a whole complete layout? It would be astonishing.


I like the steampunk comparison, never thought of that initially, but you’re right, it does have that flavour…

The raised letters are laser cut plywood and glued in place.

Thanks for the feedback!

I like how that looks.
But now, you must dog-proof the layout.

Is that dog to scale??? All kidding aside I love it and like I said before my benchwork must now be more than it was going to be. It is an area that not to many of us have been very creative in. I can only hope to have something eye catching like that. It could ad a lot of character and atmosphere to a train room. Way to go!!!