
No inconvenience. Just wondering if the forum gremlins were at work.


Nicely done, rivaling what I’ve seen from some of the “pros”. I’m always amused by the too heavy comments. A few weeks ago there was a string of cylindrical covered hoppers in the UP yard at Grand Junction. Many were completely covered with surface rust on the sides.

Moderator’s Note:

There were two separate threads going-- one was a duplicate of the other. Both had replies so I merged them together into one thread.


Well…aren’t you the “clever” fellow, earning your salary already eh? ;-]



With any luck they’ll double it!



thanks for the fix !! got more upcoming project to share with you all

Great work! VERY realistic. Rust on!!!

You got a layout big enough to handle all that?

working on it now approx 2000sq’! big enough to handel that…you bet check it out! =^)

here is the finished model… before after thanks for looking Paul B

here is the finished model… before after thanks for looking Paul B

??don’t know why it posted twice again sorry

working on a static sceene to take pictures outside! cheers Paul B

Very nice looking. IMO really not enough, lol. I like them heavy and with GRAFFITI. How about a how to with some step by step pics. It would be most appreciated. But thumbs up on that car.


Great model.

Great work! [bow]

I am still in the beginning stages of my weathering, and am soaking in everything I can. I, too, would love to see a how-to. There is a video on this site that Cody did, showing acrylics and turpenoid. Did you use the same technique?

I gotta tell you, I alsmost choked when I saw your collection of rolling stock. Unreal. Then I remembered that I’m a bass tournament fisherman and professional guide, and that my collection of rods and tackle would probably cause the same response from a casual fisherman. You got more than most hobby shops, and I got more than most tackle shops.

Can’t wait to see more!

Sweet. As for the “too much” crowd, it seems to me that though most cars are not this bad off, most trains have at least one in this condition.

I second that motion. Car looks great btw…


I am working on the next car and doing just that fellas…I will keep you all posted!! thanks Paul B