Website rated "RR" for railroad

I have been too busy in graduate school to do much with the layout in it seems like forever. But I recently got an assignment in computer class to build a web site, and the school provided web site space (at least until the end of the semester.) Anything I wanted as long as it had the required techie stuff and was wasn’t too X-rated. How about a web site that is rated “RR” as in railroad?

The website of the Santa Vaca and Santa Fe Railway:

Discontinuance notice: They will delete it when I fini***he class toward the end of May.

Actually, it’d be rated “R” for railroad because railroad is one word.[8D][:D]

I don’t know if it is my computer or not, but I didn’t get any pics to fill out from the site. I tried twice with the same results. [:(]

I will try again later in hopes it is just me and not the website. [B)]

Thanks for posting it. [:)]

Nice website!
would be a waste as it gets deleted, doesn’t your ISP provide you with webspace?

great site i really like it

Very nice, but from what I read somewhere recently, there’s no scenery in Texas.
I’m confused…

Some of Texas has no scenery, but other parts do. If you drive long enough in a direction in Texas you will see an example of whatever you are looking for.

I think about the only thing in Texas you can’t see is snowy mountains. Maybe you’re confusing us with Oklahoma…


That is an interesting website and you will get an A+ for your fine replica of Johnston, Texas in HO scale…(is there such a place?)…A fellow Texan!..let’s see…Crosby? Conroe?..We aren’t too far apart!..Gig’um Aggies!