Weekend Photo Fun 13-15 May 2016.

Gidday All, while there has been further progress on the project front, there’s nothing worthy of a photograph.
So as TT scale has been the subject of a current thread, here from the show archives is another photo of NZR 120 or TTn3.5. The locos from L to R are: DXC 5264 (GE U26C), DF 6133 (EMD GL22MC) and Da 725 (EMD G12).


That looks like really Good Stuff to me[:D] Great looking models, especially considering the overall size.

This is my graduation edition[sn][yeah] Persistence pays off. Most of my railroad efforts this week went into ballasting several locations.I then turned to just running some trains this evening. Here’s the local switching at Animas Forks.

A nice couple of long shots.

Congrats again to your son on his own graduation. It pays to not drop out, BTDT. There’s even going to be dinner beforehand.[dinner]

Good morning from Northeast Ohio!

Bear and Mike, more inspirational photos, although no new work is being done, great photos of existing models!

Managed to finsish a couple of models this week!

Second KCS 50’ PS1 Boxcar I have done, (decal sheet has enough decals for two cars, so I did two). Robbins Rails 50’ PS1 Kit, painted with Scalecoat II Boxcar red and lettered with Mask Island Decals.

Atlas FMC 5077CF Boxcar Kit, with Moloco FMC Draftgear added, car was painted with Floquil Platinum Mist and Reefer Orange Paints and lettered with Herald King Decals. Car is in as delivered lettering, later the SSI lettering was removed as it was in non-conformance with ICC rules on lessor lettering on cars.

Picture of Athearn DT&I GP38-2’s with a coil car train on the Strongsville, OH railroad club layout.

Thanks for looking!

Rick Jesionowski

Hey guys. After fighting with my computer and windows 10 (long story, but let’s not go there), I finally have managed to be able to upload and KEEP photos on my computer. Anyway, here are some photos from the past week

My scaletrains.com tanks came in, and I must say for 22 dollars a car, the operator series is almost on par with the Athearn tanks from the past few years

Freelanced road MP15ac got it’s bell installed

REALLY beat up boxcar for my freelanced, with some leftover scraps

Old scratchbuilt shed for the PRR.

Scratchbuilt pipe loads out of straws.

Good day, all!

Thanks for yet another thrilling edition of WPF, Bear! [Y]

Hat’s off to you, Mike. [bow] Glad you got a chance to unwind and run some TRAINS!

Hello from the other side of N.E. Ohio, Rick. I’m anxious to get started on a weathering program for my own rolling stock. I’ve been watching some of the videos by Mike Calfalone and hopefully that will get me in the swing of things. Yours look great, of course. I see you are a user of Scalecoat. I recently discovered their paints (afew years ago, that is) and I highly recommend it myself. Great results!

Looks like you’ve been busy, Jimmy. I recently installed W-10 on a laptop I have running JMRI and a Sprog. So far, knock on railroad ties, I haven’t detected any problems. Did you see the cars listed on ebay with pipe loads that went for BIG bucks as posted in another thread? I know you can do just as good, Jimmy!

I’ll be sending you a PM in a day or so about some excess equipment I have gathering dust. [:-^]

I’ve just finished up seven nights of “third-trick” but I managed to get a video finished up and posted to Youtube. Here it is if you haven’t seen my post in P.I. for M. (Prototype Info for Modelers)

Here’s a little fillin’ station that I began work on a few months ago that I hope to get back to finishing-up. Today was my last day at W**K after a 38 year stint at GE. Hope it’s not bad luck to end your career on Friday the 13th! [+o(] So—I’ll have more time to devote to… The GOOD Stuff!

Regards, Ed

Ths week we are wrapping up our winter projects on the Boothbay Railway Village layout. The bus tours start arriving next tuesday and the museum open for the season on Memorial Day weekend. A couple of new photos:

I just finished a kitbash project of an HOn30 switcher. The body started as an HO scale Athearn Hustler and it has a Bachmenn N 44 tonner mechanism.

A long view of the run into Southport fishing village showing the new signals. The double track main line is to the right, and the passing siding and spur into the Dragon Products rock crusher are to the left. Another siding off the passing track goes to Stinson Canning, in the background near the bridge.

The main line signal on the right is red because of the oncoming RDC. The triple signal controls the other main line. The green shows the main line track is clear clear. The middle red indicates crossover to the other main is closed, I am not sure what the botom signal indicates (neeed to talk to Bob, our signals man). There is an additional signal bridge, marked by the white push pin, that needs to be installed.

Real good stuff from everyone, this week. Just a yard shot from me.

Something else new at Boothbay this season is the 1925 Sandy River & Rangley Lakes RR 12 passenger railbus. It is owned by the Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad Co. & Museum​, and is on loan to Boothbay Railway Village for the season. The bus was originally built using a REO truck frame and engine, later changed to a Model A. It was in storage in the car shed last Thursday when I took the pictures. It will run from time to time during the summer. It will be around for the Narrow Gauge Convention next September.

Front view

Rear view

Driver’s seat


I love your shot of the signals along the main…

Here’s a photo that was in my dad’s collection. I don’t know if he took the photo or not but he was a frequent visitor to the SR&RL in the mid- '30s.

#4 on the left and #5 on the right.

Here’s his caption on the back:

Thought folks would like to see the rail buses in action.

Regards, Ed

Some greta stuff this week.

Bear, I love seeing models of non-us layouts. This is cool.

Mike, Your industrial scenes look terrific.

Rick, Some great-looking rolling stock as always.

Jimmy, Your equiment looks great also. I love the detail on the box car especially.

George, I visted the Boothbay Railway Village when I was a little kid and loved it. The layout looks phenomenal.

Grampy, I love the PRR equipment.

Last week, I finally took elivery of the long-awaited BLI M1. She was worth the wait.

It’s 3 AM and the only thing moving is the gasoline delivery truck.

Thanks Ed, Good old railbus photo.

Glad you liked it, George.

The little brown truck pulled-up today and brought me a big green locomotive! [:D]

Saturday evening this brute is going to have a dozen or so passenger cars on her drawbar! [8D]

Regards, Ed

Bear - Thanks for starting off WPF again this weekend. The TT trains are something new for me. Thanks.

Mike - Some great layout shots there.

Jimmy - I’m going to use the pipe load idea. I have tons of gondolas that need loads.

Ed - Thanks for the video. Great stuff. The big steamer is impressive too.

George - BRV #34 is certainly unusual. Good luck with your museum opening.

Grampy - Great scene as usual.

GP-9_Man - Great steam power photos.

Here is one from the BRVRR:

NYC #1821 at the head of a mixed consist is passing the"Snug Harbor" Texaco gas station on the BRVRR layout.

PS. The BRVRR website will be updated before the end of the weekend (Sunday). Come and see if you have time.

Bear, Thanks for spinning up another edition of WPF, certainly good tonic for a mending back.

Offering another retread, but hey, Vie, Vie, Viva il Giro!

Thanks to all and regards, Peter

Another project shaping up.

That’s why they are called critters. [C):-)]

Similar shop #2 will be done shortly. I decided to get the mechanism installed in #1 (which became BRV 34) and get it finshed before doing the mounting and finishing on #2, just to be sure there were not any other problems to be fixed. #2 will probably become BRV 35, depending on what decals I have left

Outstanding work everyone ! I just finished putting ditch lights on this beast…