Here’s 2 AM kits that I built.I still need to add a small chimmy to the yard office and fuel oil tank.
This office will be used as a locker and break room.The freight dock will be on the team track.
The yard office:
And the freight dock:
Here’s 2 AM kits that I built.I still need to add a small chimmy to the yard office and fuel oil tank.
This office will be used as a locker and break room.The freight dock will be on the team track.
The yard office:
And the freight dock:
C&O Fan:
Where do you get your front surface mirrors?
A City Classics East Ohio Street kit has been added to the layout under the name “The Bralick Building”
Special order from Bunswanger glass >Not Cheap< but they also cut it for me to exact size
but there is also a reflective glass for commercial buildings not sure of the name
Here’s some recent work. The skirting has been completed on peninsula and I have started the next benchwork section. The paneling on the skirting and fascia was reclaimed from our family room and lower level rec-room when we remodeled the house over 15-20 years back. the skirts hang on nails or hooks made from 12 guage house wire. First a before shot:
Now the after. Amazing how much nicer it looks when you hide the junk. Also, quite by accident I discovered that putting the skirts inset from the fascia 6 or 8 inches maked the aisles seem bigger.
And the other side of the peninsula
Here’s the benchwork. There will be liftout at the other end in the open gap to get to the rooms at the other end of the basement.
Thanks Tom,
That church is a left over from my first layout, but is now on the new one
Thank you.
Nice work, everyone![B]
Thanks for the tip on a different use for an old circuit board. Good idea!
I haven’t done much on the RR since the recent ops session because writing on the diss is going well. I did finish up my story about my simple car card ops, moving concentrate from the mines above Silverton to the mill in Durango. Here’s a pic of #39 finishing up switching at the ASARCO mill.
The whole enchilada is at:
Got my latest fun item, an SP police caboose from Athearn, marker lights and interior lights work. No credit to me they did it all.
It was a busy saturday morning, working from 8 to 12 without interruption under a bad grey sky in Belgium.
I built this curved Nscale turnout arrangement and the n°8 from Fastrack jig in code 55.
There are two different curved turnout, both n°8, but one whith a standard Fastrack radius, the other whith custom made radius made for me by Fastrack ( 40 and 46.5 cm)
I must admit the curved ones are somewhat difficult to build, but all in all the jigs are so helpful in Nscale to semi handlaid these turnouts; I say semi handled, because they are’nt handled directly in place.
I prefer to mount this kind of arrangement on the workbench like the advice of Mister Popp.
The small straight track is the track of a working Nscale high lift rotary car dumper slowly taking form.
Next week I hope to lay this ones and some n°6 and share the pictures.
Sorry, I make a mistake when sharing the pictures, so here is the picture whith the curved turnouts.
Very impressive work, nice workmanship!
Just to see if I could do it, this is HO-Velo’s picture from above…
Go to the Flickr page and click “Share”
Go to "Grab the HTML Code, select the HTML Button and copy.
Paste that to an empty text document.
after the text <img scr= copy the line http://… through .jpg without the quotes to your clipboard
come back to the forum and click on “insert Image” and paste there.
Lots of great contributions this weekend!
I continue to play around with the idea of an On3 switching layout beneath the HO layout… 'picked up a K-36 to keep the K-27 company:
I just finished putting a QSI Titan decoder in the K-36,will try to get a video tomorrow.Here’s a short video of the K-27(Tsunami decoder).
Have a good weekend,
Finally finished building a New Haven U25B that I have been adding detailing to, painting and lettering.
Added various detail parts from Detail Associates, Utah Pacific, and Details West. Painted with Floquil Socony Red and Scalecoat II Black Paint, and lettered with Microscale Decals.
Thanks for looking!
Rick J
This week I’ve been working on some buildings to hide the hole where the tracks go through the wall to staging.
I’ve cut and taped some buildings trying different placement.
All the photos this week are great.
Rick J… The U25B looks like a prize winner.
Bob G … Thanks for sharing the inspiring photo of the trestle. Feel free to post here more often.
DJ … Nice scene.
Everybody has outstanding work.
Reading Co. GP40-2`s in the siding while a passing Union Pacific train flies past…at the Rockville Centre Model Railroad club in Long Island NY.
Passing by the railfan park.
And passing by a Metro commuter train.
A pic of Amtrak work equipment at Lancaster PA station.