Lots of great photos this weekend; here’s the old coal mine I’ve been working on this week (n-scale).
Hi all,
Going to try and contribute to this WPF and hope this will work, never posted to WPF. Finished laying out the trackwork and fitting the pieces from my yard to my engine servicing facilities. I am modeling transistion era SOO Line in the Glenwood / Alexandria area of Minnesota. The coaling tower is the new Walthers kit I built. I will need to start filling gaps and then scenicing the area. Just making sure all fits and works. I am in “HO” with the NCE radio DCC system.
From what I have seen of the wild turkeys in my neighborhood, they will eat almost anything. Birds think silage is good, especially when it goes a bit fermented -gets them all tipsy and drunkish [:o)] [dinner] [(-D]
I have started painting a fleet of DODX tank cars. I now have twenty to decal.
Also some detailing on my sharks:
I’ve even got the uncoupling lever at the front, you just have to know were to look.
Here’s some of my stuff running on Dave Vollmer’s layout
I guess I’m not the only N-scale coal mine on this page.
Here’s a N-scale Coal Mine I’ve been working on for a diaorama. The first picture is how it looked after I dug it out of the plaster. Still needs some work but I can make adjustments on the diorama.
Guess I’ll get in the fun this week.Here is a pic of my small N scale layout which is always under construction [:D]
The vehicles in the pic are 1:144th scale and I sure wish I could find some more of those Racing Champions semis.
I have something to contribute this week for a change. This is my GP-7 project I’ve been working on. It used to be a UP Loco with plastic railings.
The second is my small transfer yard. But the more I look at the the more I dislike it so it will probably get torn up this week and redone. ICK!!
It looks better with some cars on it waiting for transfer.