Weekend Photo Fun 20-22 December 2013.

Gidday All, another balmy Friday evening, so here goes…

Looking forward to the Really Good Stuff,

Have a Great One Folks,

Cheers, the Bear. [:D]

Good looking woodburner,Bear.

I got this Banta Model Works kit for my On3 switching layout. Wanted a small depot,and this fits the space well.I changed the pitch of the roof to make it look more Rio Grande-ish. I didn’t notice it until I looked at the photo’s,but it appears that something is living in Grandpa’s hat…

Have a good weekend.



Looks muddy up Charming Creek[:D]


Love that station. I’ve got three to build eventually on the Cascade Branch and this nice compact design may be just what’s needed.

OK, here’s the Car Shop report. I built two PSC narrowframe tank car kits to add to the 3 frameless tank cars from last week.

I caught some pics of a passenger train headed to Silverton.

Taking water at Tefft

Crossing the Animas River bridge entering Silverton

Silverton can be a busy place these days

Best wishes for happy holidays![G]

I’ve been working on my new Circus train.5 cars complete, 6 more to go before its done.

Merry Christmas everybody!

Just picked up my NS Trackmobile, getting it to good use already!

NS Trackmobile

Great work everyone. I added the frame work for my layout extension yesterday

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.

Glad to see I’m not the only one working on benchwork. It’s about 2/3 of the way finished and will be topped with four inches of pin styrofoam. The raised area is to accommodate the door to the attic. That part will be topped with masonite.

Also finished up this Cornerstone George Roberts Printing kit:

I started off by painting the concrete parts of the walls Floquil “Concrete.” Next I painted the brick sections Floquil “Boxcar Red,” which makes a nice brick color. I painted the roof, water tower roof and supports and fire escape Floquil “Grimy Black.” The water tank got painted Floquil “Roof Brown.”

After all the paint thoroughly dried, I used poster paint to simulate brick mortar. Once all that was finally done, I actually put the kit together, hit it with a coat of weather wash applied the decals and sprayed on some Dulcote and called it done.

Bear: I like the logging loco… Mike (Middleman): The On3 depot is great… Mike L: your narrow guage looks very good … Michael (Motley): The circus train is impressive. … Ryan: Good to see you returnred to the forum! I like you trackmobile. … Curt, your new benchwork looks good… GP9 Man … Your benchwork is also great and so is your building.

Merry Christymas everybody

Photos: Loads of mail and express for Christmas packages …Three train in City of Blackhawk. … A gift shop in town …Under our Christmas tree.

Mike: All good shots,but I especially like the train crossing the river…Nice job on that scene.

Michael: Neat train. Is there anything made for Barnum and Bailey,or did you have to decal everything yourself?

SilverSpike: Very realistic perspective shot of the trackmobile.

Curt and GP-9_Man. Nice benchwork. Curt,everytime you operate,you’re going to be glad you opened up the layout.

Garry: As always,great pics from you.My favorite is the Blackhawk scene. The cat under the tree is nice,too(Don’t tell my dogs I said that).

Terrific start,keep it going…no rule says you can only post once…


Mike, I have to decal everything for the circus train. Thats why its taking me so long to build.

Thats an awesome looking shot at all the UP Challengers and Big Boys. I didn’t realize you had that many, very nice!

A few photos of the Thurmond Yard

Wow, lots of neat stiff so far guys! Well done! [:D]

304 crossing Orphan creek

Same train, at a grade crossing boy that 34" radius turn looks sharper in the picture than it is! [:D]

Some great stuff again this week guys. I particularly liked the little depot and the photos of the yards.

Just back from the Walther’s repair shops is Pere Marquette #1235.

The loco is a Proto 2000 Heritage locomotive that belongs to my grandson. It is shown here at the head of a borrowed consist of heavyweight cars as it rounds the big curve at the west end of the Black River Valley layout.

Keep the photos and ideas coming guys. Thanks to you WPF is always the best thread of the week.


Happy Holidays!

I’ve been M.I.A. the past few weeks, things at the Rail Museum kept me busy! We had over 200 visitors for the arrival of Santa by train.

Some nice work again fellas! Bear, that’s a nice wood burning Heisler! I thought about trying to take that style chimney and making it actually smoke using a Seuthe smoke unit and a micro fan made out of a cell phone vibrator motor and a fabricated fan blade. maybe it would work! Nice depot Mike! The green shingles compliment the look. Mike, great shots as always, the crewman watering the tender looks good! I have a couple of those guys on the layout. I have some of that wax you can put on their feet to temporarily stand them anywhere. I’ll take this guy and make it look like he’s holding on to the grab iron on the side of a boxcar when switching. Michael, great circus train! My friend Ed is envious, he’s been building one for a few years now. Ryan, those trackmobiles are great, I wish I would’ve had one when I worked as a yard conductor a few years ago. Curt, good luck with your expansion project, if it turns out as good as the rest of your layout, it will be great! GP9 man your expansion project looks good too! Garry, more great photos plus a nice Lionel train under the tree supervised by a feline yardmaster! Mike, great black and white shot! Terry, i like the composition of your shots! Same with your shots Karl! I like that paint scheme too. Allan, nice shot of the 1225! that’s a true Christmas loco!

Here are some pics I took with my Iphone using a photoshop app that gives them that 1970’s MR cover look:

I’ve been on the lookout for a wood sided NYC caboose, either in brass or the Marklin version. I found thre

Our christmas village set up modueled on our 4 sided fireplace


Cool pics everybody! Here’s another project I’ve been dragging my feet on for a while, turing a Minitrix 2-10-0 into a PRR I1s.

When you’re a Pennsy modeler in N scale. your steam options are extremly limited.


That is a great looking Christmas layout around the fireplace, very cool. Nice touch with the wood bridge too!

Very nice photos. I am working on the Animas river bridge right now on my Silverton Branch layout.

Bob Helm


Thanks for your comments.[:)]

I kept things pretty simple with my Animas River bridge. The boxed-in piers were built before the “water” pour (I used two-part resin, stinky![+o(]) then the river was poured in several layers to get the proper depth.

The bents are scratched up, but nothing exotic. The stringers holding the track are more stripwood. The ties and track are ME code 55 bridge track sections soldered together to get the length needed and glued on top the stringers.

Here’s a pic from a different angle.