Weekend Photo Fun 3/18-3/21

Hey! Where’s Bear? Where’s Jimmy?

It’s 0630 here in the Daylight Savings time zone of the U.S. East Coast. I hope you all survived St. Patrick’s Day and had your fill of green tea or green [B]

Last week I posted some photos of the Compressor House for my steel mill complex and this week I have a few more showing additional details that were added. I just finished some of the lighting but I don’t have time to get any photos as this weekend is the NMRA Div. 5 Lakeland (Mentor) OH, Railfest train show and I’ll be having a few blokes over for an ops session so today will be spent on getting things ready for visitors… and showing Mr. Murphy out the door (hey, he’s Irish isn’t he… maybe he will be too “under the weather” to visit!

This shows some of the piping and ductwork I added to the building to give it some visual interest. I washed the surfaces with PanPastel powders to give the concrete a little variety.

The paint on the piping is just the first coat so I’ll clean it up on the next pass. Yellow is oxygen; green, nitrogen; orange, tower water supply and red, tower water return. I still have to fabricate the truss work to support the pipes across the track, add steam, low pressure and high pressure air and conduits but I wanted to get the piping aligned with the building first, then add the support truss.

I got a little clever with attaching the pipe flanges to the building [:O]. The blackish plates are thin pieces of iron I salvaged from a transformer I tore apart. Then I glued tiny 1mm x 2mm super magnets into the pipe flanges. They stick like crazy and if I ever want to remove the building or pipe rack they just click apart [Y]

EDIT: I’m over here Ed.[:-^] (its just turned Saturday 0001 hrs) I see that the really Good Stuff has already started.

Gidday All, well you will see from my offering that yet again I’ve achieved nothing!! However the DVD that Rick J mentioned a while back has turned up and though I have to peruse the Wabash bits a bit more, it looks that the car ferry footage is going to tease me as far as gleaning more details. [sigh] Still it’s great to see the Windsor actually in action, thanks Rick.[tup]

Good morning from Sunny and Mild Northeast Ohio!

Ed, great start for the weekend, nice work on those lines, but based on what I know of industry those colors won’t stay that bright for long.

Bear, your welcome, I really enjoyed the Wabash films, especially the later ones with a lashup of a C-425, U25B, F7’s, Trainmaster and GP7 all on one train, along with some great shots of new 86’ Hi-Cubes.

Managed to get some cars done this week to represent some Southeast Railroads.

Branchline 1937 AAR Boxcar Kit, painted with Scalecoat II Boxcar Red and lettered with Champ Decals.

IMRC 40’ PS1 Boxcar Kit, painted with Scalecoat II Boxcar Red and lettered with Mask Island Decals. This was a repaint done by the Southern Railway after taking over the S&A Railroad.

Also did some more work on my New Haven C-425!

The top picture is the same one I posted a couple of weeks ago, and it was pointed out to me that the exhaust stack was for the dynamic braking and not for the prime mover as I assumed (and you know what that means). So I removed that stack and completed the lift rings, (second picture) now for some cab detailing and then off to the paint shop.

Thanks for looking!

Rick J

Ed … The com[ressor house is a fantaastic model.

Bear… Better late than never. Nice looking NZ equipment.

Rick … Nice work on the C-425 …I would not have known the stck was for dynamic brakes.

Below and SD leads some hoppers past the Scrap Yard.

I slept in, after a truly stressful week.

Anyway, I got some work done- The Roundhouse for the club is completely sitting in the ground and just needs wired up.

Finished up the GP9 rebuild for my freelanced road, very “face only a mother could love” huh?

And I got the first five of my AVDC ortner hoppers done.

Five down, ten more left to go eventually.

Great start as always!

I have gotten a bit of scenery done in the area by the Girder Bridge… I am going to take a series of shots from under the bridge to get one worth entring in an NMRA Region Convention Photo Contest. This one won’t be the one, but it is a start…


Been a while since I posted, here is a scene I completed last week for the MFM club Trois-Rivieres Quebec.

I like the way this is starting this week… awesom everyone! I have a couple covered hoppers for this week…

Crazy busy this week,

so will refrain from much commentary other than to say things look great with all the projects being worked on – including a day off for Bear (we hope[:D] )

Competing forms of transportation

Under the bridge

Down in the yards beats down in the dumps

Spent some time replacing my QSI early ver 6 Sound decoder

with a Wow sound and keep alive

Here’s the How To Video


Started some landscape and ballast work on the northend Reading service facility…

I dry brushed some white highlights on my rocks, then started on some scenery. I have to get some tiny screws to mount my motor before I can work on the incline more. This is a first draft of the ground cover. These areas will also get armatured shrubs and trees so most of it won’t even be real visible anyway.

Hi everyone!

Some really great work all round!

Ed - brilliant use of magnets, pastels look good.

Rick - nice detail work

Garry - great scene, always loved the scrap yard

Jimmy - not sure even a mother could love that![swg]

Ray - the picture looks real! Very well done.

Jack - very convincing backdrop.

Tony - nice weathering, not overdone.

Mike - interesting scenes.

Here is my progress to date on the Roundhouse 3 in 1 Galloping Goose:

Made a classic dumb mistake. I forgot the resistor for the headlight LED. You can guess what happened. Of course all the wiring was glued in place in the passenger compartment roof to keep it out of sight.[banghead]

I tried something new (for me anyhow) with the headlight. I used an 0402 warm white LED. It actually resembles a scale light bulb when the light is off, and if a high enough resistor is used it has the same effect when lit. I haven’t tried to get a picture of it yet.

I tried to glaze the windows using Ngineering real glass but I gave up. It was just too complicated trying to get the glass in the right places for the open windows.

I still haven’t figured out what to do regarding decals. I will probably keep it simple.

I have one problem with the electrics in that the power truck will take off on its own with the throttle set at zero. I’ll start another thread to see what people suggest might be wrong. Doesn’t do it all the time.


EDIT: I reset the decoder a couple of times and the gremlins seem to be gone, at least for now. It runs very nicely.

Modern times have arrived on my layout with the addition of a new panorama coach to the roster of coaches and cars:

Nice work folks.

Dave, the goose looks great. The Stanton is known for its fast starts. Did you install a decoder yet? That should help.

I see that you installed the kit supplied wheels in front. Did you install power pickups? I picked up the same kit a few weeks ago and I am exploring my options. I might try to model the one that was on Victoria Island. Oh, and what did you use for your engine cover?


Some great stuff again this week! Keep them coming guys!

A photo from a short operating session (read running the trains) this week.

New York Central GP-40 #3083 rumbles past Black River Tower with a short coal drag. The locomotive is an Atlas model with a Soundtraxx DSD sound decoder and a 3/4-inch speaker installed.

Keep the photos and ideas coming everyone. Because of you WPF is always the best thread of the week.

I have not posted on this forum for quite some time now but, I thought I would share some cabooses I finished up last night. All Brass.

I am a little embarased with the right side railing in this one. I did not see that untill I took the picture. I will have to touch that one up a bit.

This one is a resin kit.

Ed, Thanks for breaking ground on the WPF. Nice structure build you’ve got going. Ah, the compressor house, not for the faint of wrench nor sensitive of ear.

Finished the Angels Flight Hotel and it seems right at home next door to the Palace.

Thanks to all and regards, Peter

Peter, is that one of those Hydrocal kits? How did it go together? Looks great!