Weekend Photo Fun 4/17

I shot some video of my Rivarossi F-19 Pacific that i did a DCC sound Conversion on

See this thread


I included my T-1 for sound comparison


Very nice work Terry.

Your F-19 sounds deeper in bass that your T-1. I’m not sure how you pulled that off. But it sounds good.

A quick shot of the back of Ezra Smith’s business and home. He has his home away from home parked out back for those times the wife kicks him out of the house or he just gets tired of looking at her.

Nice scene, Jeffrey.

A through freight at yard speed.

Fresh from the paint shop:

Graphite hemi - Nice paint job - how did you do the map?[:)]

My little Athearn model of the famed River Street Rambler that ran down the street of that name in Savannah, Ga.


Cleaning up the backgrounds really makes a difference!

Here is my contribution. The boathouse is scratch-built and the brewery/maltings in the background is reminder of my summer student working days in Edinburgh. You got an allocation of free beer! Sorry about the darkness.


Hi, Alan. From a fellow across the Strait of Georgia, you have a nice layout. Nice images!! And very solid modelling to boot! [:D]

I have enjoyed all the other posters’ images as well. I really like the diesel with the map on its shell…very creative and quite striking. [8D]

Here is my image for this WPF.


  1. Beautiful. Decal?
  2. Prototype?

Back into HO 4 weeks now , [:)]

Have a 8" by 8’ shelf layout with an Inglenook type switching puzzle on it .

Having fun , and returning to operations on old buddies layouts , and with DCC , more fun than before .

Hawk Point Elevator Co.

Lincoln Co. Co-op

Kemp Flag

Prestage Tool & Gear

Looking good so far everyone.

Selector, why do you only have 2 boxcars and a caboose with the TTT?

Jarrell, Nice unit and smoke effect. How well does the new Athearn SW1500 pull? Wondering if athearn added more weight since there Blue-box release.

Graphitehemi: Nice job. How’d you do that one?

Some new rolling stock for me:

The total cost for it all those was less than 15 bucks, still waiting on one more car (SSW bulkhead flat).

Good question! The train will grow enroute. The engine has to pick up a cut of 15 empty 70 ton hoppers at Sentinel Colliery, and another 12 boxcars of plywood at a sawmill, this time loaded.


Thanks for all the comments! [:I] Many nice postings already by everyone else!

To answer some questions…

Wisconsin Central #3026 GP40-2 (visually a GP40) painted for Wisconsin’s sesquincentennial

The map is one large decal made by Scale Rail Graphics, no longer available. The other associated decals come with it (special WC shields, numberboards, special graphics…) Makes you kind of nervous when you go to put them on. One shot, no turning back. The map itself is clear, so the tan color was painted along with the maroon, anti-skid gray, white and black.The yellow striping and frame notations are just from a standard Microscale WC GP40 set.

EDIT: I found the link to the decal set in case you wanted to see.

Packer, I’ve only had about 7 cars behind it coming up a 3 percent grade on a 22 inch curve and it did fine so it should handle 15 to 20 well wheeled cars on a flat track easily. It did/does have head light issues though that I’m still working on.


Hey Packer, Where’d you get the EL Gon?

Thanks Don

It’s the High Bass Speaker with it’s own Baffel

Looks like a plastic bottle cap

Can’t say enough good things about it

I plan to replace a few of my other speakers with them

Outstanding Modeling Alan [bow][bow][bow]