Weekend photo fun 7/31-8/2

Well there really has been a lot of different really Good Stuff this WPF, though no candidate for a Beartoon! (Why do I sense a big Hooray??!!)

I also don’t like singling out one particular contributor, at the expense of the others efforts, though I’m curious how Donn managed to print on tissue paper, it’s the sort of thing that the Bear would make a right pigs ear of!!![+o(]

[^o)] Hmm, and here I thought I was going to end up with a whole lot of Wabash cars!!![:-^] [sigh]

I hoping Rick, that there is going to be another change in my w**k commitments that allow me the time to start modelling projects again, I’ve slowly started preparing the basement and have even been doodling some track plans for the “Detroit” ferry yard, one trouble being that I built the ferry without using any scale compression, not that I regret doing so, but it looks that, to look right

Hello again, everyone —

Here’s another look at the tank car loading platform after setting in place and wiring up the lamps:

Tank_car_fill by Edmund, on Flickr

A little more weathering and perhaps a light wash to tone down the aluminum paint in some areas is in order.

Thanks for all the contributions and positive comments [:)] Still time for more great stuff [bow] [bow] [bow]

Cheers, Ed

Great work on the oil platform Ed. I really like all the details you added.

Here is a covered hopper I just weathered.

Jimmy - Thanks for starting WPF. Entertaining video too.

Ed - The loading dock looks good. The NYC tri-power is unusual.

Motley - Your layout is coming along.

John-York1 - Your structures look good.

Garry - Love the bridge scene.

Phil - Great job on the elevator. Its one-of-a-kind now.

philo426 -Nice little loco.

Kevin - Nothing wrong with your “old photo.”

Donn - The signs look great.

Paul - Good looking flat and load.

Peter - Good advice.

Guy - Looking good.

TT - Lucky guy, Brakie.

Kevin - Nice flat loads.

Bear - Your car ferry is a work of art. Looking forward to seeing it in context.

Ed - The loading platform looks even better in its home location.

Michael - The covered hopper looks good to me.

My new BLI Santa Fe F3s with a short streamlined passenger train passes under the Route 32 overpass at the east end of the BRVRR layout.

I’m a little disappointed in the locos pulling power. Only 6-lighted cars. I may have to buy a powered B-unit.

Keep the photos and ideas coming guys. Thanks to you WPF is always the best thread of the week.

Bear: I like the car ferry a lot. I would love to see more pictures of it.

Ed: The loading platform looks right at home in the location on your layout.

Michael: The weathering on your covered hopper model looks good.

Allan: I am surprised to hear that your Santa Fe F units do not pull so well. F units are my best puller (all Stewart/Kato) because there is so much room for weight.


Here’s a link to the build thread, Kevin, it got photobucketitis, so I recently redid the photos.


Cheers, the Bear.[:)]

Gee Kevin, give me a little more credit, there are 3 units I completed, the flat, the trailer and the covered hopper.

Kevin, I understand how you feel, when I was working for Harley-Davidson in the early 2000’s I was traveling 42 weeks a year, and after 9/11 taking your modeling supplies with you was problematic, plus after being on at the dealership for 10 plus hours, I just wanted to unwind with a drink, dinner and nothing else to do.

Thanks to all the contributors this last week, there was a lot of neat stuff completed or being worked on. Also, thanks to all the new contributors, it was getting sparse that last year with only a few people contributing we appreciate all the new contributors.

I don’t complete the cars in one week, many of them spend a month or more on the workbench being assembled, then painted, then decaled and final assembly, the more difficult cars and engines may be sitting there for a year or more. I just pick out the ones I want to complete, then paint, decal and final assemble.

Rick Jesionowski

For those wondering about printing on tissue paper:

First, do a print on regular paper, making sure my signs are more or less centered on the sheet. Note the orientation of how it comes out of the printer.

Then cut out a square of tissue somwhat larger than your graphics, and place it directly over what just printed. Tape it down with Scotch tape, making sure the tissue is flat to the paper.

Flip it end for end, relative to how it came out of the printer, and put it back into the paper tray. It should be face down in the tray. Print again!

For adhesion, I paint the sign area on the model with thinned matte Mod Podge. Carefully smooth it out with a little wad of the same tissue. You don’t really get any “working time,” and the tissue tears easily. Fortunatly, if you really mess it up, you can easily scrape it back off and try again.

For a vibrant sign, I paint the area white first. For a faded one like this, I just put it right over the base color of the model.


Thanks Donn.


Rick: Thanks for all the comments. I will pick up the production soon. I actuallu just finished my WPF contribution for next week!

Bear: Thank you for the link to the Ferry construction.

Donn: Thanks for the explanation of the tissue printing. I need to try that. It looks so good.


So this is one of a group of passenger cars for the excursion train. Which represents alot of fallen flags. This one took some research. Bellefonte Central stopped passenger service to all but Penn State university. They never had a steel coach. Penn State was served by the old wood coach 15. And heavy traffic (start. and end semester, holidays durning classes) PRR coaches also came into PSU. In the days before diesel and matching cars, color schemes were different.

Only one (very dark but clear) picture of a freshly painted 15 at the main shops in Coleville is all I had plus a few word caption. saying dark green and yellow. On the big screen I noticed under the yellow, hard to see was red striping as well. Similar to pennsy pinstrips.

Using that, and the fact that The rr would not need anything large, this rivarossi 60’ coach would work. This is the result. Except the Reading green turned out lighter than I wanted. Working with that green as a close match to the stripe on the diesels. Turned out a little lighter. Still very plausable


This coach was an ebay find. It was painted in that tuscan, with the grey areas left in a green color. So I painted them grey to look better and clean up the edges of the tuscan color. It had no name or number. Buffalo creek name is a creek in the region. So that worked for a private car.


Just a NVSR coach to show a time long gone.


Clear flat applied.I am pleased with the result!


philo4226 NVSRR,

You both may want to repost these photos on next weekend’s Weekend Photo Fun. I’m not sure how many people will see this in the middle of the week, and you both do nice work.

Thanks!I will!