Weekend Photo Fun 9/13-9/16

Its that time of the week. WPF. For those who are new, this is where we share what we are working on. Any scale any era. Here’s mine

As ypu can see, the truck is finished and set up in a scene. Let’s see everyone else’s work


Nice looking derelect truck Jimmy.


I have been travelling all week, so nothing new from me this round. Here is a picture of my favorite recent project.



Keep the pictures coming…




This is my finished heavy flat and load. The car number is actually my birthdate, 1-28-01.

ANOTHER weekend already!

Thanks for getting us started, Jimmy. That truck scene will be a real jewel on the layout! Very nice work.

Thanks for the peek at the gondola load, Kevin. I have one of those Chooch moldings and it weighs a ton! I’m thinking of milling out some of its guts to lighten it up. Your painting looks great!

Super job on the mystery load, Steven. You have that tarp action down pretty well.

The sight of it reminds me of an old pen-and-ink drawing I remember as a child in the Gulliver’s Travels book of the giant all tied up!

Well, a good part of this past week had me chasing down bugs in my Decoder Pro program and bugs in the recent DCC conversion of a brass B&O Q4-b. As of midnight last night I think I’ve got that all straightened out.

With model railroading season coming upon us quickly I dug out a dusty box from my inventory. Looking to satisfy the urge to build another structure kit.

DLW_tower1 by Edmund, on Flickr

Yes! This should prove to be a fun little project!

DLW_tower2 by Edmund, on Flickr

WHY does a company that makes HO kits call itself the N SCALE Architect [^o)]

Aren’t things confusing enough for us old timers, and beginners?

When I was in my early days of railroading I used to head east toward “Hard Coal Country” and chase trains on some of the old Erie, Lackawanna, Lehigh Valley and D & H. I was always fascinated with the cast-concrete signal towers of the D.L. & W.,

Another early start for the weekend … Hopefully, it means a lot of great photos …

Jimmy … Your scene with the beat up old truck looks great.

Kevin … Your gondola load is very nice.

Stevem NWP SWP … Your covered load looks very good .

Ed … It looks like you have a fun project ahead.

In my photo, an Alco S2 switcher will pull empty stock cars from a siding after an EMD GP7 departs with a local freight train.

16 years ago, I bought a white metal kit of a Royal Wurttemberg State Railway 1880s 0-6-0 stam engine and assembled it. I never finished it, though. Thanks to a MR friend, who now “chipped” it and painted/lettered it, I can now enjoy running it on his layout!

It´s DCC & sound, with the decoder and speaker in the two-axle tender.

Jimmy, thanks for starting us out, that derelict truck looks great in its scene.

Kevin, the load on the gon looks good as does the cars on each side of it.

Steven, your modeling skills are coming along nicely, hope your club members agree.

Ed, I want you to finish that Q4b, then you can do mine!!!

Gary, good looking scene, I prefer the CB&Q red scheme to the black one, but what do I know, I model the PC, N&W, NKP and other black railroads!!

Ulrich, can that little 0-6-0 actually handle that load of cars?

Nothing new modeling, but I got a some new motive power this last week.

New Scaletrain GE C39-8 units, as the only set of cars I have available right now, they are hauling a string of PRR Ore Gons on the Strongsville Model Railroad Club layout.

Thanks for looking!

Rick Jesionowski

There isn’t enough Excedrin in the country to get me to do another one! I’m still trying to get the kinks out of this one [banghead]

The most recent discovery is that the wheel flanges of the tender clear the bottom of the Vanderbilt tank by ~.0002 inches on straight track! The flange shorts out on the belly of the tank!

I know you warned me about the engine frame being too wide to allow the drivers to take a curve but mine seems to be OK in that department.

Hopefully NEXT WPF will have some photos and a success story to tell here [:-^]

Hey, it will look great parked in that nice, new roundhouse, anyway…

Plus, I’ve already got another project on the ready track:

IMG_9974 by Edmund, on Flickr

I’m a real glutton for punishment .

Cheers, Ed

With ease!

That little critter weighs quite a lot, due to its white metal boiler.

Nice pictures everyone, really. I’m affraid I don`t have anything to show this week. Work is again getting in the way of my model railroading activities (!).

Ulrich, that loco has a lot of “élégance” to it. What gauge is the track?


I am working on an expansion to my 4x8 Layout, the staging section still to come. You can see a test track plan here.

Thanks, Garry!

Here’s the progress a day later.

DLW_tower5 by Edmund, on Flickr

I’ll have to do some filling and filing. Then decide how I want to do the concrete look.

DLW_tower4 by Edmund, on Flickr

Great stuff, everybody. Enjoy the weekend— Ed

Jimmy, Thanks for starting the WPF with your rusting Bulldog.

Ed, No grass grows under your feet. I like the tower’s architecture & texture.

Garry, Nice stock yard, I’ll bet living downwind from the prototype made for some odoriferous days.

Thanks to all the contributors, have a good weekend, regards, Peter

Regular HO scale standard gauge track - 16.5mm! It is such a tiny engine which makes you think she has to be a narrow gauge engine.

Ed - I am jealous! What a great looking engine!

Some wonderful work here! Wish I had the time to go over it in detail, but tghis weekend is chock full and I need to be back at the display layout that the Illinois Terminal Division is helping the Illinois Valley Division NMRA at Monticello Railway Museum during Railroad Days in Monticello at 9am. I beleive it runs until 5pm Sunday, but get there early to enjoy the most fun. Kids of any age can take the throttle on the IVD’s layout and run trains.

Back again…

Thank you, Peter. What a great scene. The colors on that fishbowl look just like the old CTS busses that I used to ride in Cleveland.

CTS 641 by Montell305, on Flickr

The concrete towers come from an era when the railroads built things to stay. This is the same railroad that gave us the Tunkhannock Viaduct, afterall. A. E. Neuman gets my vote. What ME worry?

You have nothing to be jealous of, Ulrich! Your roster is equally colorful and interesting. That was one of the very first Proto 2000 offerings from 1998 or so. Glad I got it when I did[Y]

Looks like you folks are having a good time there, Mike. Is that pole barn anchored down? I’d like to air-lift it and drop it on to my property. Insulation, drywall, smooth concrete floor — way to go!

Cheers everyone! Ed

There was a lot of speculation about the abundant space the barn provides. As one MMR was quoted, “I couldn’t afford the layout that would fit…”

Thanks for appreciating the effort. I didn’t take pics of the kids running trains, because they’re there to have fun and that seems intrusive, even if permission were asked. But it is entertaining and heartening to see them operating. Had a long chat with the grandparents of the one young fellow who is already researching his favorite prototypes, etc at age 12 and working at bashing models to suit. Grandparents seem of modest means, but eager to encourage his hobby, so wanted to help share.I put together a package of books, some lightly used cars, and scenery materials to pass along as they will be back today.

Thanks Jimmy, for starting off WPF. Thats a good looking derelect truck. Sorry, that statement sounds like an oxymoron.

Kevin - An interesting load in the gondola.

Ed - The signal tower looks good. A change from frame or brick structures and fun project.

Garry - Nice photo. The detailing is great.

Ulrich - Cool little steamer.

Rick - Nice GE locos.

Ed - The loco looks to be quite a project.

Harrison - An interesting small track plan. If you posted photos they don’t come up for me.

Ed - Impressive building. No grass grows on your workbench!

Peter - I like the sign on the bus.

Mike L - Looks like all the “kids” are getting ready for some fun.

Ed’s signal tower reminded me of a model I’d like to build to replace:

Grafton Tower on the BRVRR.

A poor substitute for the real thing:

The Grafton Tower was moved from its original location near the old Grafton Station site and restored.

I have looked for a similar structure kit to bash into a reasonable facsimile but have been unable to find one. Someday, maybe…

Keep the photos and ideas coming guys. Thanks to you WPF is always the best thread of the week.

Thanks Jimmy for starting the thread.

A CP USRA Clone Boxcar. Assembled, painted and lettered from a Tichy kit.

One of our Boothbay volunteers got a good deal on 3 Bachmann GP-9 BAR locomotives and donated them; they all were #80. I took them to renumber them, give them some weathering and program the decoders