Weekend Photo Fun Easter 2014

[quote user=“bogp40”]

C&O Fan

Slow Progress on the Milwaulkee Road Engine house at Avery CO

that i’ve been working on for my friend in AZ’s layout

I made the doors and found some hinges that are actually for a doll house

so they are a bit large but after painting theyshould work

I used a stain pen/marker to stain all the interior wood

Happy Easter All ~!


Happy Easter everybody!

After much dragging of feet, I finally got back to work on the engine yard on the Altooona end of the layout. I’m not trying to recreat the actual Pennsy Juniata shops; that wouldtake up half my layout. I’m trying to give an impression of whats there. Sorry for the poor image quality, these were taken with my iPad and not my SLR.

Happy Easter! This is my first venture into the WPF threads, although I frequently lurk and admire everyones work. I finally assembed 15 flat cars for my Ringling Bros Circus train this week and am happy with the result. These all started out as Walthers kits of various release from the early 90’s, repainted and decaled. Next step is to install the metal wheelsets and fine tune the trucks and couplers.

Warren Flat Car

Mt Vernon Flat Car

Ski season is over, so I’m back to working on the railroad again. The last couple of weeks have been spent on this Walthers tank car platform.

Lots of small parts for a small kit. I’ve spent two whole weekends on it, on and off, as it’s one of those where you paint a bit, let it dry, glue a bit, let it set and so on. I’ve still got parts on the sprues left to go, but this is the general look of it. The tanker is an Athearn Hooker Chemical car I scored off eBay. The pipes to the left will be extended out for a while. The thin sections on the ends are to make it easier to attach the extensions, which are made of coffee stirrers.

Its been a while since I’ve posted anything, but just finished up a kit-bash from 2 old HO Sun Coast kits to create a model of C&O’s Ansted WV station. Its based upon an old photo of the freight station version (apx. 1910) and a plan drawing of the 1920-ish passenger waiting room/agent office addition. This station was torn down around 1958 or so.


I went to Baltimore over spring break, and during the trip I did make to MB Klein. They were helpful, kind, and had a beautiful shop. This is what I got.

Gidday again, Great to see all the Really Good Stuff ffolkes once again.[bow]
A couple of quick comments if I may.
BN Gary, sorry to hear about the family dog.
trainguy4466 as a photographer whose technique is point, shoot, take lotsa photos and then hope that one might just turn out half decent, I’m impressed, please don’t be a stranger.
And what have I achieved??

A scratch built hatch cover for my covered hopper kitbash, though Ihave cheated by using Tichy hinge

Here are two photos from a not-quite-completed section of the Bunter Ridge, Raton Pass Southwestern.

These two are taken from the western side of the Laqatlas River, so named because the scenery was constructed and river poured while waiting for Atlas code 55 turnouts. I reached a point of grinding halt after building the lower staging area to the point where I needed turnouts to build the “back half” of the yard ladder. Being stuck with those lemons, the Laqatlas River scene became the lemonade.

This scene is built on a peninsula about 4x6. The track spirals down a double track oval helix the entire length (and then some) of the peninsula. The oval helix allows me to wind the track down about a foot in about a 1.5% grade using 21" minimum radius eased curves meshing up to straight sections of about 36" between curves.

In the first picture, an E8A shows off in front of a fisherman on the hunt for rainbow trout in the Laqatlas in the fall of 1958. In the extreme foreground are a pair of deer sneaking a drink. The locomotive is a Kato, the figures and trees are Woodland Scenics. The river still needs some surface effects which will come next. It is three layers of EnviroTex Lite. Ballast is Arizona Rock and Mineral C&NW/Santa Fe Mauve.

The second picture is further up the Laqatlas, where a pair of canoers enjoy the same fall day as a Bunter Ridge RS1 appears. These figures are also Woodland Scenics, with the partially visible RS1 being an Atlas.

The locomotives are lightly weathered (does not show up in the photo very well), and supposed to indicate they were recently shopped and underwent the paint scheme adopted in 1956 to coincide with orders for Alco RS11s and EMD SD9s. The paint is Tru-Color, unthinned when I airbrushed it. Decals were printed on a laser printer.

I have recently moved from Pennsylvania to Nevada. We have every little room in our “new” rented place so little modeling for me for a while. However, the bonus is that I am in a railroad town. [Y]

Here is the local station which is now City offices.

Friday we drove up to the county seat and got our marriage license. This little fellow sits at the edge of the courthouse property in the park.

Sunday as we were coming back into town from Las Vegas, we noticed a WB coal train stopping.

This is the “caboose” end of the coal train.

My new bride was taking the pictures while I got the mail and I could hear locomotives and looked west…it was the first meet I have seen in town! I had to yell at her from across the street to turn around. An EB mixed.

The first boxcar was Mexican o

eric2448 a belated [#welcome] to WPF, the more the merry, though I am sad to say I am unable to view your photos. I get the 403 Forbidden notice.[sigh]

P&Slocal, congratulations and Best Wishes. [<:o)]

Cheers, the Bear.[:)]

Thanks for the welcome JaBear. I have no idea whats wrong with the file, they are hosted on another public model rail forum. Ill have to look into it.

Everybody: … This is a great Weekend Photo Fun with over 30 posts. I encourage everyone to get their photos ready for next weekend!

eric2448 … Welcome to MR Forum. .We’d like to see your photos. See thread entitled “Linking Images” for how to post photos.

DJ … Thanks for the remark. … I really like your shot of first generation power.

Or you just continue to post your photos here until the thread for next wreek is created

Lets try this again… someone please let me know if it works. For those of you who missed my previous post, these cars are a couple of years in the making. Ive been working on my rendition of the Ringling Bros Circus train of the 30’s-40’s era. Ive nearly completed 15 of the flat cars, here are the two typs:

Warren Flat Car

Mt Vernon Flat Car

eric2448, I get the same Forbidden message when I try to view your photos as ‘Bear’ must be getting.

I have no Idea how to fix the problem though there must be a simple fix.

In any case, [#welcome].


I am able to see your pics.


Thanks for the feedback. Are you two looking at my original post or the most recent attempt to fix post?

Gidday Eric, what ever you did, it now works for me.

Cheers, the Bear.[:)]

Yep, I can now see the photos of your flat cars too.

regards, Peter

works fine here, click on the pic and it goes to pb and shows the pic.