Thanks for the link Bear, appreciated.
Besides the couplers not being easily replaced, although I’ve had success on other difficult swaps, the article certainly put a more positive spin on things. Bachmann eh, sounded like a pretty good overall review to me[:)]
Gonna find out if the truck gears are the black or white ones.
I believe the ER Models sharks had Roco drives, and at the time they were known as smooth runners. I have an A-B pair in PRR livery that I bought 20+ years ago, in a box downstairs somewhere - I wish I could give a first-hand account of their performance but they are unlikely to make the layout for some time (if at all) since there is a RF-16A/B set from Broadway Ltd currently running on the layout.
Peter, while your tank car is the center of attention in the pictures, and deservedly so (wow!), I’m curious about the building behind it. Where do you get that siding? And do you know when that style of metal siding began to be used? Thanks, Dan
An update on the New York Central shark nose loco. The seller got back to me and the drive gears in the trucks are the white ones.
The difficulty swapping out Rapido couplers to MTL’s wasn’t too scary, but trucks with the faulty white gears is a deal breaker.
It’s a “no brainer” those gears have already had plenty of time to dry out[(-D]
Would NWSL have replacement gears for those?
TF, I’m late to the weekend, but amazing work on your bridges! Thanks for the photos!
Thanks Dan, The building is Walthers Cornerstone Bud’s Trucking, married two kits for a longer structure. Don’t know time period of such siding.
Thanks again & regards, Peter
A good call Tom, and an excellent resource. A few years ago the worm drive gears for an old Bachmann of mine were finally found at Northwest Short Line.
Might just take a gander, but having quite the handful of wishlist loco’s in my save for later bay, I’m probably going to pull the rip cord on the next favorite in line.
I’m leaning towards waiting for the next quality name brand Shark Nose that comes along. They don’t come along very often, but I’ll have to keep an eye out. The good ones get snatched up rather quickly. Thanks Tom.
And Thanks John, for your kind words as well[:)]