Weekend Photo Fun - January 31 - February 2 - 2025

Sure is nice seeing WPF again making an inspirational splash, a gateway to nostalgia and discussion catalyst. Hoping to see lots-o Model Railroading images.

Have a good weekend & Happy Groundhog Day. Regards, Peter


Good morning from cloudy and wet and mild (45 Degrees) Northeast Ohio!

Thanks for starting us out this weekend Peter!

Here is what I managed to finish this week:

Athearn 2600CF Airslide Covered Hopper, painted with Scalecoat II UP Covered Hopper Gray and Black paints then lettered with Dan Kohlbergs IC Decals.

Next a Tangent X58 Boxcar which was pre-painted by Tangent but was lettered with one of Dan Kohlbergs 3 sets of X58 decal sets. This car will be in service for the Buffalo Creek Railway hauling flour. I wish Dan would put a return to Malinta, OH as many of these cars were used in Cambpell’s Soup service.

A pair of Kato SD45’s with a general mixed freight running on the Strongsville Club Layout.

Have a great weekend!

Rick Jesionowski


Thanks for getting us going, Peter.
Just a Rapido family portrait today as I still have not made it back into the trainroom post surgery.


Peter, thanks for starting another weekend of photos! Also you posted a photo of some very realistic water.

This was my first attempt at an N scratch built house. From a distance it looks OK, but closer, the beefy windows and railings really stand out. Something to learn for the next project.


Thanks for setting up another episode of WPF, Peter! We’re already 1/12th of the way through 2025! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Great Stuff here already!

This week I worked on adding yet another signal bridge to my layout. I’ve been needing absolute interlocking protection for this crossing for many years now!

Signal Bridge 2 Track 3 Arm by Edmund, on Flickr

I admit the masts are a bit tall but for simplicity sake I’ll work with what I got!

Signal Bridge 2 Track by Edmund, on Flickr

And temporarily set in place:

Signal Bridge 2 Track in situ by Edmund, on Flickr

My philosophy — You can’t have too many signals!

Cheers, Ed


I agree, Ed.

Which reminds me, I have 7 double searchlight signals in a drawer that I need to find places for on the layout.


A cold wintry morning at Leeds Sovereign Street Station as a Kirkstall to Seacroft train arrives.



A newly assembled Accruail PMcK&Y 41’ gondola…

This is one of the newest releases by Accurail in 3 road numbers. I sought this specific road number out because 1) it’s a NYC affiliate road, 2) the shop date is “7-52” (my late brother’s birth month and year), and 3) it’s [boxcar] red (the color of my brother’s hair).

I had been waiting patiently for this to be produced by Accurail for 2 or 3 years. The single-car release displayed on the Accurail site was the above #92405. However, the one that actually was released was “92468”, which had a different shop date. :disappointed: So, the only way to obtain #92405 was to purchase the 3-car set.

That normally wouldn’t have been an issue. However, the other two shop dates were later than “7-52” and my modeling era stops at July '52 - in honor of my late brother.

Thankfully, Accurail posted on their New Releases webpage that singles were available for that particular car. (Woohoo! :heart_eyes:) So I emailed Accurail last weekend and Eric Cote was kind enough to reply first-thing Monday morning and set aside a #92405 for me for purchase. I placed the order and had my gondola in-hand Thursday and assembled it last night.

This gondola will have a very special place in my roster. Much appreciation and kudos to Eric Cote @ Accurail for making it happen. :grin:



Thanks everyone for more nice layout photos.

The N rocking chairs are from Gold Medal. The lights were difficult – these were about the smallest I could find, from Evan Designs. My wife loves eating at Cracker Barrel. I like them because you can get breakfast at all hours.


Railings by Bear, on Flickr

Rocking Chairs by Bear, on Flickr


Saw a RCP&E still in blue yellow today in Sleepy Eye,westbound grain train while a HTLX switcher works the yard tracks. We then headed over to New Ulm where we saw a couple of canoe’s watching the eastbound scaring up Bigfoot below!



As always, great looking scene there, Heithmeister! Bigfoot is a great little easter egg.

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I had a wonderful surprise this week when a package arrived from Ontario and inside was a most beautiful and generous gift from the family of Dave Warnica (HOn3 Critter) —

McKeen Car DRW by Edmund, on Flickr

This McKeen car is a real museum piece and it reflects the painstaking effort Dave put into its construction and detailing. I will always cherish this gift and keep his memory alive on my layout. You are indeed honored, Dave!

Regards, Ed


Excellent wave action Peter!

A few photos of PA-1 6013 leading the West Elk Mail.


Two more kits assembled this evening…

NYC AAR 2-bay offset hoppers (Lot 733-H) - Special run for the NYCSHS by Accurail.

I don’t know if all Accurail special runs are like this but each kit came with a coal load and renumbering set. Those you normally have to purchase separately.



@HO-Velo - That fisherman looks very happy Peter! Nice scene!

@dti406 - Those cars look great, although much too clean, haha! I’m especially a fan of that X58! Nicely done Rick!

@BATMAN - Some nice units! Heres hoping you’re recovering well!

@York1 - From another N scaler, great work! Honestly, from the picture at least, I wouldn’t have noticed the oversized parts if you hadn’t pointed them out, but as you said, something to improve on over time! Nicely done! And that Cracker Barrel is spot on! Excellent work on the lights!

@gmpullman - That signal bridge is wonderful! Gorgeous work Ed! And the McKeen car is gorgeous, enjoy it! Always thought those McKeen Motor cars were cool.

@NorthBrit - Sure looks like a cold wintry morning David! Nice shot of a nice scene, thanks for sharing!

@tstage - Nice car and an awesome story, glad the guys at Accurail could hook you up! Never heard of the PMcK&Y, will have to look into it. Glad you have a car that means so much to you Tom!

@Heathmiester - A beautiful couple of locos! And I love the bridge scene as a whole, but especially Bigfoot’s beach day! I assume thats a Miniprints Bigfoot, if so I’ll definitely need to pick one up when I get around to making some purchases from Bernard! Great work Heath!

@Casey_Dowling - some GORGEOUS shots! That golden PA is perfection, and that scenery is amazing! Thanks for sharing, incredible!

As for me, I’ve been playing with a new toy this weekend! My new Atlas RS-3 with LokSound onboard arrived Monday, but I couldn’t really play with it till yesterday.

She’s gorgeous and sounds great! I got a chance to test her out a bit on Heath Hurwitz (Human[c]ityJunction)'s layout before an ops session Friday night, where I had her pull my Rapido Osgood Bradley coaches around his layout, and shot a picture of the train pulling into the yard at Croton!

Some wonderful photos all around, thanks for sharing all!


Man that PA looks good thru that part of your layout!

Great looking ALCO unit. Glad you were able to stretch its legs a bit!


Walk this weekend at Disneyland Paris and of course photos of trains