Weekend Photo Fun - January 8th through January 10th 2021

Kevin, Thanks for the WPF start-up, appears to be a whole lotta’ model makin’ fun on your horizon.

Garry, Along with being an industrial delight to the eye I can imagine the tons of switching fun your steel mill provides.

Again thanks to Chris van der Heide/Algoma Central for his wrapped lumber load website tutorial.

Thanks to all the contributors and viewers, have a good and safe weekend, regards, Peter

A while back I was looking for some images to help with a customer job and stubled across some images of older tank cars from the oil industry in my local area. Once I had a little time I decided to replicate some of them. Cars are Proto 2000 8000 gal tank cars.

Gidday All, well there really has been some great acquisitions and a lot of really Good Stuff. Wot a talented bunch!! Thank you all!! [tup]

Opportunities don’t come that often for the Bear, but I’ve found the time to start cutting big bits of styrene into little bits, and some of the small bits actually fit first time!!! [:O]

UD by Bear, on Flickr

Have a Great One ffolkes,
Cheers, the Bear.[:)]

Kevin - Thanks for starting WPF. Looks like you got a great bargain.

Ed - Great Job! Love the detail. I remember the Huletts.

David - Your “weathered” parcel van looks good to me. Almost looks real.

Jimmy - Looks to be the beginning of of workshop, barn, shed…

Rich - Good looking cars as usual.

John - Good work on the hotel. A lot more work there than meets the eye.

Ringo - Thats a couple of good looking locos.

This is always a great thread each week. The positivity it gives. I love it. Thanks Kevin.

Just a little offering.

The little four plank N B (North British Railway) wagon behind the engine is of a 1910 design. The model is by Oxford Rail and although a good runer it looked of plastic. Therefore I dirtied it up a little.

The N B box van I made from a 1912 design. I am sure someone else would have made the model, but I have never seen another one…

The five plank Douglas Glencairn wagon is of a 1910 design. There was never such a wagon, but I know the family and asked if I could make the wagon. Therefore it is a ‘one off’. The tarpaulin is from a Company of EBay.


Thanks, nope, no tracks, hydrostatice drive with double dual tires enclosed in the area where the stripes are.

Seen many prototypes while deciding what I wanted to build.

Thanks again!


Kevin: Thanks for the complements on the PS 2893, but that was an Ready to Roll kit and it had all the detail parts included. It was a pain to build as all you get is a diagram and no instructions, the first one was not very good but the latter ones came out a lot better.

Allan: good work on the lighting, something a lot of us need to do for night time running.

Bear: Nice to see you doing some modeling for a change!

Peter: Good looking loads, I have some of those to do in the future.

Pike 62: That is a nice collection of tank cars with unusual names.

Mike: That crane looks great did not notice you build thread on that one.

Ed: Good acquisition, but didn’t that engine be only used in freight service and only as a pusher as it would pull out the drawbars of the freight cars?

Renegade: Nice casting work!

Phil: That is a good looking scene!

Garry: That is an impressive complex and trackwork, should make for some interesting switching problems.

Ringo: Nice pictures, the Milwaukee engine came out nicely, as the Milwaukee had MP15’s the SW1500 looks close.

John: Interesting hotel, can’t wait to see the finished product.

Rick Jesionowski

Garry- Nice looking blast furnace! Looks like a fun time switching with the baldwins. Are those S12s?

David- Changing scenery is definatly a nice way to keep the layout alive. I only move cars and trucks around. DId the train in the salvage yard turn around or am I going crazy? Also like the wagons!

Phil- Nice to see your layout again! Very realistic! If I remember, it’s a switching layout correct?

Renegade- Nice work with the laser cutter!

Kevin- Thank you. I cant have a loco without the cab shades!

Ed- That is a very handsome model! Hey you know what they say, a piece of ballast a day keeps the rust away!

Mike- Thats an awesome crane! What type of facility is it used at?

HOVelo- Thats a very realistic picture.

Pike 62- Nice work on the tankers!

Bear- I love it when a plan comes together!

Allan- Nice job on the lighting! Lighted passenger trains are awesome too

Rick- Thank you! I have an ex milwaukee road MP15 that was a soo line unit before I patched it for WSOR. Now my problem is I want one in milw paint and a soo bandit!

I picked up my Genesis F45 from someone off facebook along with a WC russle snowplow and a WC 37’ hopper. He also tossed in a 1969 El Camino SS 396

Then stopped by Hiawatha Hobbies to pick up an MRC Tech 6 after seeing 0 in stock on their website, I figured Id call and ask if they had one, and they did! I got home and set it up, put the engine on the track and it fired right up. The prime mover did the start up and went to idle but that was it. It would not respond to the throttle or pressing the function buttons. I did the factory reset on the loco by pressing shift, 9,9 and it fired up again and worked perfectyl! Just cant figure out what 5 or 6 do. Not sure why it’s only a little box but theres a video of it if you click the box


Thanks, I think it was spring of 2019. I did the crane and the caboose, I think I did the crane first, March?

I got the idea for the rubbered tired crane after looking at tons of pictures, and seeing one work in a precast concrete plant, moving bridge beams around.

Great work by everybody!


Another great weekend at WPF. I was just looking this weekend and had fun doing it!

I used to come to this thread years before I was a member here. I cannot begin to tell you guys how much I learned through those years and even now I pick up things I didn’t know before.

As always, the project’s look great[Y] That Blast Furnace model looks like a blast Kevin[:-^] I wish I had one or the layout real estate to put it.

Thanks for posting and Thank you Kevin for hosting another great weekend at WPF


Ringo. Yes I turned the locomotive round after I ‘rusted’ it up a little. It looks better the new way. IMO


Thanks to everyone I didn’t mention for your contributions this week. This forum continues to inspire me to keep trying to get better at the hobby. Plus, it’s lots of fun to see what others are doing.

I’m in a part of the country with few people, so I don’t have friends who are in the hobby. You guys are it. Thanks!

Mike, I should know better. [:$]We used smaller versions of your crane to lift our boats out of the water and put them into storage. The major problems we encountered were the point loads imposed by only 4 (in our case) points of contact. Eventually, the CG just build new boat houses or improved the slabs in the old ones where it could.

Agan, good job on the crane.

This has been an excellent week for Weekend Photo Fun. A huge THANK YOU to eveyone that made it that way.

Ed: Great eBay story on the PENNSYLVANIA FF1. It is gorgeous. Yes, I do have Dean Freytag’s book on the steel industry. It is 10 times better than the other book. I see them sell for around $100.00 some times. I found mine at a used bookstore in Saint Petersburg for about $20.00 if I am remembering everything correctly.

Mike: Beautiful crane model. I have always questioned the diesel power unit being located wirectly under the operator’s cab on these. I know of several real cranes that are built like that. I guess as long as the aftertreatment system is intact the operator will be fine, but still, you are right in the “line of fire” for the exhaust.

Peter: Great looking lumber loads. As always, an absolutely perfect photograph.

Pike 62: Welcome, and thank you for sharing those unique tank cars. I have saved a couple of the images into my “idea” folder for a future project.

Bear: Your work on that depressed center well car is looking interesting. Please keep us updated.

Allan: The lighted scene with the passenger station looks good. Your efforts have been worth it. I hope you find exterior lights you like.

David: Thank you for sharing your WWI era freight train. The unique freight cars are wonderful.

Ringo: That snow plow is a great model. I don’t remember ever seeing an SS El Camino in HO scale. Nice score with that deal.

Sorry if I missed anyone.

I will see you all next week!

Be safe.
