Garry- Nice looking blast furnace! Looks like a fun time switching with the baldwins. Are those S12s?
David- Changing scenery is definatly a nice way to keep the layout alive. I only move cars and trucks around. DId the train in the salvage yard turn around or am I going crazy? Also like the wagons!
Phil- Nice to see your layout again! Very realistic! If I remember, it’s a switching layout correct?
Renegade- Nice work with the laser cutter!
Kevin- Thank you. I cant have a loco without the cab shades!
Ed- That is a very handsome model! Hey you know what they say, a piece of ballast a day keeps the rust away!
Mike- Thats an awesome crane! What type of facility is it used at?
HOVelo- Thats a very realistic picture.
Pike 62- Nice work on the tankers!
Bear- I love it when a plan comes together!
Allan- Nice job on the lighting! Lighted passenger trains are awesome too
Rick- Thank you! I have an ex milwaukee road MP15 that was a soo line unit before I patched it for WSOR. Now my problem is I want one in milw paint and a soo bandit!
I picked up my Genesis F45 from someone off facebook along with a WC russle snowplow and a WC 37’ hopper. He also tossed in a 1969 El Camino SS 396

Then stopped by Hiawatha Hobbies to pick up an MRC Tech 6 after seeing 0 in stock on their website, I figured Id call and ask if they had one, and they did! I got home and set it up, put the engine on the track and it fired right up. The prime mover did the start up and went to idle but that was it. It would not respond to the throttle or pressing the function buttons. I did the factory reset on the loco by pressing shift, 9,9 and it fired up again and worked perfectyl! Just cant figure out what 5 or 6 do. Not sure why it’s only a little box but theres a video of it if you click the box
